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Grand Prix Legends start up problem

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    Grand Prix Legends start up problem

    Dam my laptop!

    Picked up this game cheap today and installed it correctly and at the end of the instalation process it poped up with a window saying somithingg like wininet.dll not installed propley.

    I continued anywho and it wont let me play the game. Does anyone know whats wrong and why the file wont be installed?

    Many thanks to any help given.

    What speed is your cpu?


      The files doesn't matter, it always does that on XP, what 3d card type did you choose? (Should have been "None")

      Then you download the Direct3d driver (ahaha great pun) and game patch from and you should be up & away with yer proper 3D support.



        Thanks for the help but this has no effect.

        I uninstalled it, re-installed it and the last option was the graphics options: Software, 3Dfx and somithing that looked like it was spelt in French

        Oh and im running Windows XP with a P1.7ghz, 256 mb RAM and an inbuilt graphics chip.

        Anyone know?!


          It sounds like you haven't installed the various patches.

          The default options are Software, 3DFX and Rendition Verit?.

          You should have OpenGL and Diirect3D added to those if you've installed all of the additional patches (


            I'd guess that something else is using that library (which is used for Net-related functions of Windows apps).

            I think there are two solutions (besides finding out which app or apps want the file or are using it):

            1. Install GPL, ignoring/cancelling any warnings that arise during the installation. Update the game with all of the upgrades (in sequence, if I recall correctly). Add the patches and edit the .ini files, as stated in the readme.txts. It may be a good idea to switch-off any network/Internet-related components too (in app.ini, I think). All should now be okay.

            2. Copy all files from the original CD to a freshly-made directory on the hard drive. You'll need to write-enable the files, of course; but it works! Go through the same patching/updating/editing sequence and again, all should be well. This method worked for me, when I had installation problems with my dual DVD drive setup and I have read of others taking the same path.

            Enjoy Nurburgring!

