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sky hd programme synopsis problems

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    sky hd programme synopsis problems

    Now on sky i have no programme synopsis on any channel except for the channel being watched at that time, anyone know a way of getting this working again?

    best way to cure most sky probs is yank the power cable out, cures the majority of ills as box does a hard reboot


      Have you got both cables plugged in? If not, you'll need to change it to single feed mode in the service menu (google for that).


        I've had the same problem for 2 or 3 years now and haven't been able to fix it. £320 for a piece-of-**** machine that probably cost under £25 to build. Gotta love Sky.


          Had tried the un plug method as it usually clears all but didn't work this time.

          Tried again plus i'd read about going into sky active then quitting out as this seems to reset it somehow (who knows why???).

          Anyway after trying both these things again it seems to be ok again, though it did take awhile before anything started to reset so not sure which method actually worked.

          Glad to have it back though


            Same problem here too!

            Also, doesn't seem to let you series link either. Will try hard resetting tonight.


              Mine won't series link Dr Who, other than that it seems fine. Only issue i have really is I wish i could filter out channels i'm not subscribed to from the epg. Basically there are too many channels to deal with now as i'm so used to freeview.

