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Converting Pal to NTSC videos with audio

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    Converting Pal to NTSC videos with audio

    I was using composite for capturing some vf evo replays. It seems i can't capture in 60hz without black and white. I've also tried pal 60 but it seems the quality becomes grainy and some of the colours start to run.

    So i tried capturing in 50hz then trying to convert back to 60hz with audio still in sync

    Is this possible at all ?

    Any specific programs i can use ?

    I use TMPCEnc for all my conversions, there is a wizard which should take you through converting to a wide variety of resolutions as well as PAL/NTSC options. I was unable to capture NTSC games to colour until I bought SVideo leads for each console, after which it was fine. Composite didnt work at all for me.


      Why do you want to convert to NTSC? If you're capturing video I'm assuming it's most likely for use on the web and PAL/NTSC doesn't matter then.

      If you convert from PAL to NTSC you are going to see problems. They both use different resolutions and framerates. Converting will mean skipping in the frames (NTSC uses a higher framerate than PAL 25/29 I think is the difference) and you will get a black border at the right and bottom of the screen. Well unless you decide to stretch the video in which case it will look out of proportion or you will lose some of it.

      If you really need it as NTSC I'd say continue trying to capture in NTSC or just leave it as PAL.

      What capture card are you using?


        the capture card is fine i think it's because i'm using composite i will try s-video when the ps2 is free see what happens.

