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Samsung LE40A656 Bezel Cracks

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    Samsung LE40A656 Bezel Cracks

    Had this set just about a year know but i have just recently noticed the bezel both outside the screen and on the thin layer of bezel surronding the screen has a load of huge cracks which make my TV look a right eye soar and im livid about this,so my question is can i get the bezel replaced by Comet where i still have one year cover with th TV or can i get the actuall TV replaced under my warranty.

    Any help be realy apreciated.


    Ouch - not sure what to suggest.

    Comet are unlikely to be any help, but talk to them first. and exhaust any possibilities with them first.

    Then talk to these guys, they are very helpful:

    When I had to deal with Comet and they were being difficult about repairs, the thing that worked best was writing them a stern letter giving them a deadline: "I expect a repair or replacement within 14 working days". Critically, address the letter to them, *send it RECORDED* so they can't pretend they didn't get it, and also make sure you CC it to your local Trading Standards Office and print that at the top of the letter. This scares the hell out of any difficult companies I've had to wrangle with and almost always leads to a speedy fix.

    Of course, this is assuming Comet don't just say "here's a replacement". From dealing with them in the past, they probably won't, but give it a try first!


      cracked casing is covered by warrenty. It goes above and beyond typical wear and tear on a monitor/TV.


        an older samsung LE40 i had developed a rather large crack along the casing. Lucky it was spotted within 2 weeks of buying


          Thank to ll for your replys i realy apreciate them.

          Ive noticed my TV is discontinued now so does that change things in anyway for me??




            It means Comet are more likely to offer you a new model than they were before... otherwise no, they have to repair old stuff.


              Originally posted by Lyris View Post
              It means Comet are more likely to offer you a new model than they were before... otherwise no, they have to repair old stuff.
              Many thanks Lyris for all your input mate its very much apreciated and i will be on to comet monday morning and will update the thread in how i get on.




                Spoke to both Come and Domestic n General who which i have my cover with and Whilst Comet say they will help if i first get intouch with DnG and obtain the necessary ref number for Comet to send out an Engineer,DnG say that because its the bezel that is at fault here and not the actual screen or picture quality in anyway that if they send an engineer and replace the bezel that they will charge me for it cos its not part of the cover agreement,but surely it is as its down to wear n tear of the product and not damage that has been caused by mean or any other foul means.??

                So p****d off with being past the buck with this right now i feel like lobbing the kids Wii remote in the screen and realy envoking the terms in my cover agreement.



                  What has caused the crack to appear?

                  Double check the terms & conditions of the warranty just to be sure they're not pulling a fast one!!


                    Originally posted by chojin View Post
                    What has caused the crack to appear?

                    Double check the terms & conditions of the warranty just to be sure they're not pulling a fast one!!
                    Hi chojin.

                    The cracks have appeared via wear n tear mate and have noy come about through any foul play.


                      when you say wear and tear, do you mean just using the tv?...

                      kind worrying as i've just got got a LEB550


                        Yeah mate these things have appeared all by themselves.

                        Realy am thinking of throwing the wii remote at the screen full on and claim on my cover i have on the TV,just tell them it got dropped whilst moving furniture around cos i deffo know my cover policy covers me for accidental damage or i could even do it on me house insurance.

                        So tempting cos my model TV is discontinued know,so they would have to offer me another tv probablya series 7 in its place.
                        Last edited by glazza; 27-04-2010, 19:01.


                          Cosmetic stuff is rarely covered


                            Oh what a surprise!

                            They did the same to me with a faulty CRT in 2003, referring me to another number and back again. (The best part was when head office promised me a replacement, had me lug the CRT back to the local store, then the local store denied any knowledge).

                            You said it's "just about" a year, is that slightly over a year or still in the warranty period? Regardless, you are covered by the law. If it's 1 year or under then obviously the manufacturer's warranty applies.

                            If it's slightly older, you can fall back onto your statutory rights, which say goods must last for a reasonable amount of time (~5 years or so I think is the favourite number). It makes absolutely f-all difference if the fault is with the bezel or with the LCD panel module.

                            Don't argue that it's "Wear and tear" to them - plastic around a TV should not get worn from sitting on a table and being watched. Call these guys, they will ask for the name of the store and log it:


                              Originally posted by Lyris View Post
                              Oh what a surprise!

                              They did the same to me with a faulty CRT in 2003, referring me to another number and back again. (The best part was when head office promised me a replacement, had me lug the CRT back to the local store, then the local store denied any knowledge).

                              You said it's "just about" a year, is that slightly over a year or still in the warranty period? Regardless, you are covered by the law. If it's 1 year or under then obviously the manufacturer's warranty applies.

                              If it's slightly older, you can fall back onto your statutory rights, which say goods must last for a reasonable amount of time (~5 years or so I think is the favourite number). It makes absolutely f-all difference if the fault is with the bezel or with the LCD panel module.

                              Don't argue that it's "Wear and tear" to them - plastic around a TV should not get worn from sitting on a table and being watched. Call these guys, they will ask for the name of the store and log it:
                              My thoughts exactly mate and i have called consumer direct already and the store in which i have purchased the set from has been logged..

                              Anyways had the TV just over a year so my one year warranty i purchased when i bought the tv had run out but i called Comet before it expired and took out anothe ryears warranty in Feb 2010,but my next step is to put it in writing to both Comet and Domestic n General post it recorded delivery and put it to them both that the set is just over a year old and use my statutory rights and any thing else i can throw at them lol and will demand to receive an answer within 14 days minimum.

                              Let ya know how it all goes.


