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A Console Spraypainting Service...?

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    A Console Spraypainting Service...?


    I've just spraypainted over the past few weeks, my GC, N64, SNES, Megadrive, Dreamcast and soon i'll be spraypainting my Xbox.

    It's weird, but i've really been enjoying it! Taking it appart, rubbing it down, giving it a few layers of differant colours, and putting it back together.

    Do you think I should offer a service? Like Saurian with the modding. I'd quite like to do Spraypainting.

    Something like ?20 including retrun postage, and you can choose any 2/3/4 colours you want and if you want it laquered (sp?) I'll do a controller too. If you want another controllr it wil be an extra fiver.

    If something was to go wrong, I would cover all the costs

    What do you think? I'm just thinking of it for now. I'll get some pics of what i've done so far and see what the reaction is.

    The SNES looks the best so far.



    Originally posted by 007
    Do you think I should offer a service? Like Saurian with the modding. I'd quite like to do Spraypainting.
    Sounds great for lazy people like me who can't be bothered to do it themselves. You have a PM mate!!



      That's what i've done so far.

      If you want details on what will be sprayed and what won't, then just ask.

      The Snes is the best one in my opinion, and there's so much to play about with. You could spray the main body one colour, the top panel another, then the buttons another colour too. I think Silver Body, White Panel, Silver buttons would look ace.


        I'll get some more done over the weekend, so you can see what else I can do.

        How about a Yellow and black Dreamcast? heh.

        Do you think that's a fair price?

        WHat colour combinations for which consoles do you think would go well?

        I can't wait to give my xbox a go.


          I liked what you've done, pictures are blurry but it seems like you've done a good job mate.

          Silver and black have been played out anyway IMO. What else can you do? Sorry if I sound piccy but if I was gonna get it done I would go for something mad and individual like a graffite job.


            Hey mate. Yeah the pictures are well blurry. On my PC as JPEGS, they aren't, but online they are.

            I'm going to try and get some stencils made up, what do you think to that? Good idea? Like a Sonic Stencil abot 8cm tall. And maybe some other video game characters.

            I think I might try and get a DC Lid, and cut a section out of it and put Clear plastic there instead. Or maybe nothing at all.

            There's loads of differant colours you could use, metalic ones would be quite class. Like a Metalic Blue, or even two tone blue... That would go well with the white and blue swirl.

            What kind of ideas do you have bash? Any feedback would be highly appreciated!

            Yellow and Black, a banana Dreamcast. That's definately happening.



              How about a GC purple XBox with a black "jewel"?

              Dunno, a metallic blue Gamecube would look awfully nice, provided you only painted the normally coloured bits of course.


                Originally posted by overlord uk
                How about a GC purple XBox with a black "jewel"?

                Dunno, a metallic blue Gamecube would look awfully nice, provided you only painted the normally coloured bits of course.
                A purple xbox would be quality, heh

                I'm going to try and get ahold of some metalic blue paint today and give something a bash with that. Any volunteers to donate there gamecube for a week?

                Anymore ideas and feedback is highly appreciate. I'm build a little website to host all my pics. Once i've got more up i'll show you all.


