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Opinions on this DELL 20"

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    Opinions on this DELL 20"

    Its the ultra sharp 2009W, we use them at work and i 'm impressed by its TATE ability and its pretty cheap but would it be any good for gaming, specifically hooking a dc via vga to it and 360 via HDMI - DVI?

    Dell provides technology solutions, services & support. Buy Laptops, Touch Screen PCs, Desktops, Servers, Storage, Monitors, Gaming & Accessories

    Any opinions would be great

    My DC won't sync on my Dell 4:3 LCD because it can't handle the 640x480 res.

    5ms response. I'd personally look for 4ms or less if I was buying a new monitor.

    If you have them at work you could maybe try out your DC after hours and have a play around?


      My thoughts exact re: the after hours thing

      My current lcd monitor looks "soft" when the dc is hooked up to it - is it because it upscales the dc's resolution?


        Yeah, but of course it's not adding any filters or resampling, it's just stretching the 640x480 image. You're lucky it does that, mine won't.


          Originally posted by dataDave View Post
          5ms response. I'd personally look for 4ms or less if I was buying a new monitor.
          This restricts choice to a TN panel really- not great if you want to TATE the screen.


            Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
            This restricts choice to a TN panel really- not great if you want to TATE the screen.

            Any chance you can explain?


              If it's specifically a 4:3 TATE setup you're after, I was doing shopping in a similar vein recently and got some good tips passed my way over here.


                Originally posted by nightstalker100 View Post
                Any chance you can explain?
                Panels with a response time of 5ms or lower generally tend to be TN panels, which have restricted viewing angles compared to an IPS equivalent. Typically this is very noticeable with vertical viewing angles, which become horizontal if your monitor is rotated by 90 degrees. Dell's IPS panels have a grey-to-grey response time of 6ms or so but they have much better viewing angles (ideal if you intend to TATE) but cost a lot more.

                Edit: Some info here.
                Last edited by Decider-VT; 02-06-2010, 23:04.


                  Originally posted by fuse View Post
                  If it's specifically a 4:3 TATE setup you're after, I was doing shopping in a similar vein recently and got some good tips passed my way over here.

                  I know! It was your thread that inspired me to pick up this much delayed project of mine.


                    Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
                    Panels with a response time of 5ms or lower generally tend to be TN panels, which have restricted viewing angles compared to an IPS equivalent. Typically this is very noticeable with vertical viewing angles, which become horizontal if your monitor is rotated by 90 degrees. Dell's IPS panels have a grey-to-grey response time of 6ms or so but they have much better viewing angles (ideal if you intend to TATE) but cost a lot more.

                    Edit: Some info here.
                    cheers for the info

                    Think i may end up with this baby


                    ?140? Thoughts?


                      Seems good spec-wise for the money (although the 20,000:1 contrast ratio almost certainly based on dynamic contrast, which you'll want to avoid at all costs) but you'd still have the viewing angles issue with the TN panel when rotated. The spec sheet states that it's HDCP-enabled too, so you can also use it for Blu-ray content if you need to. I'd check to see if there are any reviews available before committing to a purchase, though.
                      Last edited by Decider-VT; 03-06-2010, 17:07.


                        I've got a Dell 1909W and it looks h'amaze with my 360 via VGA if that helps at all.
                        Kept you waiting, huh?


                          There are lots of good (very data-intensive) reviews of monitors online. Even if you don't want to read the nitty-gritty of the measurements, the people writing them know what they're talking about.


                            Indeed. TFT Central have some very detailed reviews with gaming-specific tests for things like ghosting and response time.


                              well i ended up going for a 24" iiyama BS2409

                              200 sheets, a little more than what i intended to pay but after seeing it in action i have zero regrets

                              Finally ikaruga in tate mode!

                              Will post pictures in the main set up thread shortly along with dedicated ps2 sony trinitron setup, my main tv setup and the iiyama dc/360 setup

