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    Anyone bought it, tried the demo. It has a certain appeal?

    Tried the demo on a P4 Geforce4 and it ran at about 10fps. Reduced the graphics and sound settings to lowest and it ran at about 15-20fps.
    I'd say it appeals to top of the range PCs only.


      I just checked the specs:

      System Requirements

      Minimum System Requirements
      Windows 98/ME/2000/XP PIII 900MHz 256 RAM 32 MB video card compatible with DX 8.1 (GeForce2 MX or ATI Radeon 7000 chipset) DX 8.1 compatible sound card 1,7GB free HDD space DirectX 8.1 CD-ROM 56k Modem (For Internet multiplayer)

      Recommended specs

      Windows 98/ME/2000/XP P4 1.5 GHZ 512 RAM 64 MB video card compatible with DX 9 (GeForce 4 or ATI Radeon 9000 chipset) DX 9 compatible sound card 1,7GB free HDD space Directx 9 CD-ROM Broadband internet connection (for Internet multiplayer)

      Quite a beast.


        This is medocre PC gaming at its most uninspired average. Not worht teh 300meg download. I'm gonna try it once more.


          Yeah I agree, it's a shame really as it is quite pretty to look at. PC gaming can be so great but crap like this is somewhat depressing.


            Originally posted by Valken
            Yeah I agree, it's a shame really as it is quite pretty to look at. PC gaming can be so great but crap like this is somewhat depressing.
            Surely thats the same for all formats?

            As for Chrome its MOR.


              Chrome was being touted as the "game to watch" before HL2 appeared by the gaming press. And it aint, its steaming in everyway, I have no idea how they generate such average level design, its like Unreal 2 all over again.


                Originally posted by JibberX
                Chrome was being touted as the "game to watch" before HL2 appeared by the gaming press. And it aint, its steaming in everyway, I have no idea how they generate such average level design, its like Unreal 2 all over again.
                Are you judging this on the demo or the full game?

                This isn't a dig, Im just wondering if you've worked your way through the game and it doesn't improve.


                  Originally posted by replicant
                  Originally posted by Valken
                  Yeah I agree, it's a shame really as it is quite pretty to look at. PC gaming can be so great but crap like this is somewhat depressing.
                  Surely thats the same for all formats?

                  As for Chrome its MOR.
                  True, but I think moreso for the PC. Don't get me wrong I'm a PC gamer and the platform is host to some of my all time faves but I tend to find it harder to find truely class games on it.

                  This isn't about complaining or being cynical on my part it is a simple fact of PC gaming as I see it. The games are cheaper to develop and publish than console titles and there's tons of reusable code out there for developers to patch together junk and the community IS about technology more than gameplay. I used to be seriously involved in all that.

                  I can imagine many would disagree with me on this... that's fine by me.

                  My opinion is based on the demo by the way... since the demo is there to demo the game and halp my decide if I purchase the game the state of the demo means I shall not be buying Chrome and my hopes stay firmly on Far Cry being a cracking game.


                    My opinion is based on the demo by the way... since the demo is there to demo the game and halp my decide if I purchase the game the state of the demo means I shall not be buying Chrome and my hopes stay firmly on Far Cry being a cracking game.
                    Im the opposite. I haven't played the demo, but Ive just started the full game. The implants might help mix it up a bit, but so far it is MOR as I said earlier.


                      I am talking about the Demo, but if the demo fails to capture me, then it's their loss I am afraid. The level design, characterisation, everything is a tad crap.


                        Couldn't agree more. I uninstalled it after about 20 minutes. I found the "getting shot while not having a friggin clue where it was coming from" quite tedious too.


                          Originally posted by choddo
                          Couldn't agree more. I uninstalled it after about 20 minutes. I found the "getting shot while not having a friggin clue where it was coming from" quite tedious too.
                          thats what the motion detector is for


                            They must have been out of range then cos there was nowt on there


                              Chrome was the #4 game of the year on Gamezville today, I wouldn't normally care, but KotOR was #5 and Viewtiful Joe was #3. It looked good in the 15 seconds of in-game footage they showed.

                              Has anyone played the full patched game recetly, becuase I think I may be interested in getting it!

