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Best and/or easiest blog creator?

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    Best and/or easiest blog creator?

    Thinking a teeny bit about doing a blog (about computer music making). Before I commit to choosing an online blog creator or blogging software, I thought I would ask on here, to get some impressions of the different blog creation tools available.


    Depends on what you want to do with it all really? Tumblr is by far the easiest I have used personally, but I prefer Google Blogs on the whole?
    Generally people I know who started blogging seriously started on Google and moved onto wordpress at a later date.

    I have not done anything with either for a long time now, but the stuff I set up has been at work still.

    Last edited by ^Katsu; 19-06-2010, 14:59.


      I can definitely vouch for the ease of Blogger - that's the Google one I think. Can be set up in minutes and off you go. I only ever ran into difficulty when I wanted to get really specific about how I wanted it laid out. Easy to set up and easy to use.


        I'm currently creating a site using drupal. It's an incredibly powerful piece of software but it's still good if you're not a coder.

        Wordpress is decent too


          I'm a big fan of WordPress. You can host your own install from here, or a free hosted one here. Very easy to use and flexible.

          3.0 just came out the other day so there's a lot of activity in the community if you need help.


            In terms of aesthetics, I found Wordpress a vast improvement on Blogspot (Google)/Tumblr. Some really nice, clean and simple themes.


              I'm no coder. Although, I do know some basic html. I'm looking for something that can be easily maintain in a sort of WYSIWYG way. Are WordPress and drupal easy to use?

              Also, are any of these blogs free of developer/ad logos?

              I have my own web space.

              Thanks for the ideas so far, fellas. I'll check them all out.


                You don't need to know how to code for either wordpress or drupal. Wordpress is probably easier to get to grips with though as Drupal has a lot of developer heavy features.

                You'll need to get to grips with the basics of CSS though (you can just use a template without tinkering but... it'll look like you've just used a template). It's pretty easy, especially if you customise an existing one.

                Make sure your hosts give you PHP and MYSQL (only need one database)


                  You don't need CSS to make a WordPress theme. You can do it in badly written table-based HTML 4 from 1998 and it'll still work fine.

                  No forced ads or anything like that from either WordPress or Drupal. They're both free, open-source projects.


                    This popped up today:

                    It's not difficult to argue that blogging has done more to spread knowledge and ideas than any other publishing innovation since the printing press. H


                      Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post
                      Great stuff. Thanks everyone.


                        Another vote for wordpress. Very easy to setup and use.
                        Vast amounts of themes and plugins to tailor it to meet virtually any requirement.

