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lost network?

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    lost network?

    Quick question as I have no to little knowledge in these matters.

    I have a Linkys WRT54GL router. My imac has sort of 'lost' it. I gave the router a name and set up some security orignally about a year ago. Can't remeber what I did tbh.

    Now it is not on my network list. Well I have a linkys listed which is at full signal strength which I presume is mine.

    What do I do now? All i want is to get my original settings back.

    Any help appreciated.

    First reboot the router. If you haven't hidden the SSID, the symptoms point to the router messing.

    if you've forgotten your password you won't be able to recover it.

    try (or something similar to that), see if you've password protected the router settings (probably have). Default password/user combinations tend to be admin/admin <blank>/admin <blank>/administrator.

    If that fails, look for the reset button on the bottom. Put a pin in it and hold it in for about 30 second until the power button flashes. This should reset the settings to default (warning:you'll lose the wireless settings and password, you'll need to reconfigure every wireless device again)


      Cheers, I got the SSID and password displayed on screen but it wouldnt let me in.

      Chose admin and I think i'm back.

      Many thanks.

