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Playing UMD games on a PSP with CFW?

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    Playing UMD games on a PSP with CFW?

    My nephew has a PSP 2000 with the Gen whatever CFW on.

    He recently bought Modnation Racers UMD and it says it won't start. Not looked at it in details as I won't see him until Sunday - but is this the norm?

    Must admit all my PSP games are Mem card only bar some really old ones.

    Yes. Newer UMD's require OFW. CFW generally needs to catch up before certain games will run.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      BUgger. Cheers.

      No Modnation for him unless he wants to dispense with the stuff on his 16gb mem card.


        Well he could just wait a while. Fixes are usually pretty sharpish, or like you say get rid of some other stuff.
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          He can play it, it's just that any games requiring above 5.50 fw need to be decrypted and patched so he won't be able to play it from the UMD, just memory stick unfortunately. Theres a guide here on how to do it.

          Last edited by Phar; 25-06-2010, 21:28.


            Cheers. He's only 11 and I don't want him running to Uncle everytime he gets a brand new game and wants to play it.

            He can wait


              Ha ha, don't be mean

              As far as CFW goes he might be in for a bit of a wait playing it from UMD as nobodys been able to crack the recent firmwares for over a year, think Sony have introduced a new encryption method.


                If you install 5.50 Gen D3 CFW or have 5.03 Gen on the later models, then there is a patch that can be installed which allows you to play UMDs which would normally require 6.20 firmware. There is no need to decrypt the files any more.

                The patch is referred to as 5.50_Prometheus. Web sites such as have the files.

                If you are on an earlier CFW such as 5.00 M33 then you might need to update any emaulators if you have any.


                  OK - thanks for that. Will check it out.


                    Sigh. He really wants to play Modnation. So much so he doesn't want the CFW on it anymore and doesn't care about playig off mem card.

                    Can he just update from the UMD or will it brick the PSP?


                      Originally posted by AlonzoUK View Post
                      If you install 5.50 Gen D3 CFW or have 5.03 Gen on the later models, then there is a patch that can be installed which allows you to play UMDs which would normally require 6.20 firmware. There is no need to decrypt the files any more.

                      The patch is referred to as 5.50_Prometheus. Web sites such as have the files.

                      If you are on an earlier CFW such as 5.00 M33 then you might need to update any emaulators if you have any.
                      Is this a new release then?, was looking around 2 weeks back and people were still having to patch isos. I've got Boku Portable 2 on it's way which is bound to be using 6.20 so decided to install it to save me messing around patching when it arrives, it has managed to break compatabilty with some of my games though, mainly stuff i've downloaded from PSN, someone really needs to release a CFW 6.20 soon as all these various plugins and patches for 5.50 CFW keep breaking things.

                      Originally posted by Mr Ono View Post
                      Sigh. He really wants to play Modnation. So much so he doesn't want the CFW on it anymore and doesn't care about playig off mem card.

                      Can he just update from the UMD or will it brick the PSP?
                      Theres a tutorial below for restoring Gen-D3 to OFW, seems simple enough.


                        Man, not something the kid can do so Uncle Ono will have to do it

