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Windows 7 copying files problem

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    Windows 7 copying files problem


    any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated, it's got me pulling my hair out.

    I upgraded to Windows 7 this week, after using XP for years. I backed all my stuff up onto an external USB drive, and am trying to copy it all back onto my onboard drive. I am running Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

    The folders I am having problems copying vary in size from 3gig to 40 gig. After copying a bunch of folders over sized from 3 to 7 gig with no problem I started having problems. When attempting to copy the 40gig folder over it copies about 5% then the progress bar freezes. Clicking on the more info button for the transfer shows it is no longer copying the folder over.

    I then click on cancel (the transfer) but that takes forever until I have to manually power down the machine.

    After failing to copy the largest folder several times I was able to copy a 4gig folder over but after that it refuses to successfully copy folders of a similar size.

    I googled the problem and it seems others have had a similar experience and several fixes are suggested, such as this update fix but that has not resolved my problem.

    I also found a site suggesting I turn off Remote Differential Compression,, but that still hasn't solved my problem.

    The only thing I've added to my system since copying the first batch of files without a problem is Agnitum Outpost Pro firewall, that has some strong security features so I thought it may be causing the problems but I get the same problem occurring even with the firewall turned off (offline).

    I would really aprreciate some help into this matter.

    Is your USB drive powered by an external source? If not, and it's powered by the USB port itself, then that could well be the problem (I had the symptoms you describe with such a drive). Three things to suggest if this is the case would be:
    1. Use a rear USB port, as they have a stronger power output due to reduced circuitry length
    2. Use a shorter USB cable
    3. Use an externally powered USB hub

    If this doesn't apply to your situation then all I can suggest currently is to check the event viewer log for information when the problem occurs. The system will become unresponsive when it is being constantly overrun with a storage device error, so you should find dozens/hundreds of entries in there around the time you experience the issue.


      It's externally powered. I'll look at the event viewer log. Any further advice appreciated. Thanks.


        Don't use drag and drop.
        For speed use a command line program such as robocopy or xcopy.


          Or MS Synctoy v2
          Then if it cocks up, you won't have to do it all again.


            There's a 64bit version of it.


              Problem solved, thanks for the help guys, it's appreciated.

              The problem was caused by my friend incorrectly installing my new hard drive (that I installed Windows on). He plugged it into a Sata slot on my mobo that is only for raid connections. This caused me a lot of problems till I read the manual and realised where the fault lay.

              Thanks again.

