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    Except it's previously been stated that EE is a new core. It cannot be both old tech and a new core concurrently.

    What never fails to make me smile is that AMD can do whatever Intel do at 50% less clock.


      Only time will really tell I suppose as to which chip is the better.

      And it better tell damn quick. I'll be looking to upgrade in January and I'll need to know which way to jump!


        I have a feeling that the Prescott is going to be something special, and will probably make AMD cry.


          Let's hope better than Itanium.


            You do know the Itanium 2 is currently the fastest CPU available.


              They couldn't have made it any worse than 1. Just a server processor mind.

              ^^ last AMD vs Intel dig, I cba with this now. You sit in your camp, I'll sit in my less expensive one (ho ho).


                You also know that I2 emulates 32bit code via software, not hardware like the A64/A64-FX.

                No matter what you say the impressive results shown by the new AMD tech is fantastic. At 2.2 gig it is showing Intel up who require an extra 1.2gig clockspeed to achieve similar results.

                Remember that this is new tech, and with the die reduction next year and increases in clockspeed this is something to watch.


                  That is what I am thinking rep. This is new hardware, it isn't going to be perfect straight away, the prices are premium and the software isn't really there to support it... yet!

                  The difference in clock speeds is very interesting, as when Intel start to pull away with the exponential increase in clock speeds over time, the AMDs will be speeds will be slower meaning they may have some tricks up thier sleeves when Intel start to get stuck for ideas... (although this is pure conjecture and in the very long terms depending on many variables...)

                  I think that these 64bit processors may have a lot to offer when it has more support and stuff... I'm looking forward to some great framerates in my games very soon!


                    Originally posted by replicant
                    You also know that I2 emulates 32bit code via software, not hardware like the A64/A64-FX.

                    No matter what you say the impressive results shown by the new AMD tech is fantastic. At 2.2 gig it is showing Intel up who require an extra 1.2gig clockspeed to achieve similar results.

                    Remember that this is new tech, and with the die reduction next year and increases in clockspeed this is something to watch.
                    I am sure if they wanted to Intel could design and build a low clock speed but high performance chip (whats that, they have already with the pentium-m processor, which gives P4 chips at the same speed a good kicking ), but they know if they go for the high clock speed numbers they will get far more sales due to people looking at the numbers and nothing else.

                    You have to remember that Intel not only design great tech, but they have what is probably the best marketing department around.


                      AMDs marketing is equally good... Naming their processors by their performance and not thier clock speed.

                      It looks like both companies have opposite opinions of what is best for marketing then...


                        AMD only need do that because people are stupid enough to believe GHZ is the be all and end all.

                        Sod em, let the PCworld plebs line Intel's pockets


                          It may well be the PC World plebs that fall for the GHz myth, but you can bet your ass AMD would love Intels market share.


                            Clock speed has fcuk all to do with power as im sure your aware. G5 is much faster cpu than A64 at even less clock speed. Intel chose to make multuple clock cycles to process data - doesnt make it a poor chip.

                            P4 ee is not a new core its a Zeon p4 core.

                            Itanium 2 pisses on A64 in 64bit mode as does G5

                            Prescott/p5 will wipe the floor of A64 in 32bit mode. (this is not speculation, a 3gig p4 @ 4gig is already ahead of the top AMD64 FX and the p4 doesnt have the extra features of prescott)

                            Therefore A64 is a failure esp as in price/performance war, remember AMD cant compete with Intel on stability (ask Dell) Let hope AMD can ramp up the speed of A64 pretty damm quick - remember they are not in a very good financial situation at the moment


                              The thing is, you wanna hope AMD don't drop the ball, else Intel will charge you boys whatever the **** they please.

                              Folk need competition; look at ATI.


                                Originally posted by replicant
                                You also know that I2 emulates 32bit code via software, not hardware like the A64/A64-FX.
                                Kind of true, but not if you're using the 64-Bit version of Windows, where upon 32 Bit code gets run in WOW 64 (Windows on Windows). If you're an old tech head you?ll remember the first version of WOW on NT, and you?ll shudder. In this sense it's like Classic MacOS running on OS X, you take a performance hit but not as much as you would when using the Itanium 32-Bit emulator.

                                No matter what you say the impressive results shown by the new AMD tech is fantastic. At 2.2 gig it is showing Intel up who require an extra 1.2gig clock speed to achieve similar results.
                                I actually like the recent AMD cores; they come straight out of Dirk Meyer's head. Dirk Meyer co-designed the DEC ALPHA 21064 & 21264 so he knows a hell of a lot about building high performing tin. Dave Cutler who worked on DEC VMS and designed the first version of NT thinks he's "the dude", and Bill Gates thinks Dave Cutler walks on water, so you can see that Microsoft are not going to ignore anything AMD does.

                                Remember that this is new tech, and with the die reduction next year and increases in clock speed this is something to watch.
                                I think this one will bounce faster & higher in a shorter time than what Intel are doing with the P4. Motorola's G4 has taught me a lot about level 3 caches, namely if you have one it's probably because your system throughput isn't good enough.

                                The L3 is a short-term solution at best, it's a patch, and Intel will have to drive Prescott's price down very quickly in order to prevent the Athlon-64 from eating their lunch. The price of these initial versions are so high because AMD are looking to recoup their R&D investment on Opteron, it's not like designing a processor core and refitting a mega-FAB to build it comes cheap.

