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Dual Strike PS3 PCB (Like Cthulhu, but...)

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    Dual Strike PS3 PCB (Like Cthulhu, but...)

    I just bought one of these from gahrling on the Neo-Empire forum.

    The info's in that thread, including the various configurations available, but the short story is this:

    Dual Strike is a board that you wire the stick/buttons from your arcade stick to and at its most basic it emulates a PS3 pad. It also lets you wire up a 360 pad pcb to it and you can set PS3 or 360 mode simply by holding any button while plugging it in, that's it. It's a cheaper version of the Cthulhu board but has the 360 pass-through capability built-in (Cthulhu requires a separate IMP board). Initially, I thought Cthulhu would be cooler as it supports all these different consoles, but Dual Strike seems to have that capability as well! It's highly configurable through a built-in config mode that you enable when plugging it in to set different options (e.g. a mode where Select+Start does PS/Guide. Perfect for arcade cabs!)

    Plus, and I'll admit this didn't excite me at all until yesterday, it's completely open-source so you can fiddle about with all sorts of things.

    I've just edited the firmware myself and it's really interesting poking around in there. I'm not a programmer by a long shot (I could probably still do 'Hello World Warrior' in C but don't hold me to that) so luckily the firmware is really, REALLY easy to figure out, as long as you understand English.

    Anyway, one of the cool things Dual Strike does is let you use Select+Start as your PS button (or 360 Guide button if you're in 360 mode). Someone on N-E asked about possibly changing that to an attack+Start so that arcade sticks like mine(or arcade cabs) without enough buttons could still do it. Also, the code for the PS button and 360 guide are separate, so you could have Select+Start for PS but have Jab+Start for guide. Why? Who knows? Who cares? You can do it, and that's the point.

    Well, I've just done it, and I've got it set to Jab+Start. I could even have more buttons in the combo (e.g. LP+MP+Start), or even directions.

    If anyone's interested in getting the firmware fiddled for their purposes, let me know and I'll see what I can do. I've been told by the developers themselves that you can't brick the Dual Strike with dodgy firmware, so there's nothing to worry about if it goes tits-up (or is that tits-forward?).

    There are all kinds of cool things you could do. You could change the default button layout (e.g. you could flash it before a tournament to save you having to change your buttons each time you have a match, then flash back to your regular set up when you get home), or even map button combos (e.g. Left Trigger = LP+LK or HP+HK) and these would be fixed, not per-game, and everything in there is labelled properly.

    But here's where it starts getting really special:

    It'll hopefully support Wii! You just get a nunchuck/classic controller and wire a USB-B connector inline with it and plug it into your stick and you can use it on the Wii! (doesn't appear to be a proper feature at the moment)
    Last edited by randombs; 13-07-2010, 22:47.

    Needs PS2 support.

    Really sweet PCB though.
    Last edited by speedlolita; 13-07-2010, 22:34.


      I wonder how they'd go about that.

      Looking at the source again, I think you have to wire the USB port onto your donor nunchuck/classic controller for it to work, so it piggybacks the controller rather than completely replacing it.

      Also it seems Wii support's not in there at the moment
      Last edited by randombs; 13-07-2010, 22:47.


        They've released a firmware update (3.0 beta) for the Dual Strike that adds:

        - Keyboard emulation designed around Mame, with five profiles that can be switched on-the-fly. It's basically going up against the I-PAC

        - 5 Different Button Layouts. Other keyboard emulators can change the button layout only once or at game start-up. Our KE can switch between keyboard layout on the fly whenever you want.
        - Windows Configuration Application for configuration of the different button layouts.
        - META Key via Start : Via pressing Start plus other buttons for MAME buttons. Things like volume control, Settings Menu, Service Coin, Rest can be controlled.
        - MAME doesn`t need to be configured. Our KE has all the inputs to start a ROM without the need for a keyboard. Just install MAME, add your ROMs and use your Dual Strike Arcade Stick to play it.
        - Change between Players on the fly. Some two player games needs a specific button layout for each player. Now you can control both players with just one arcade stick.
        - Start+R1/R2 for L1/L2 button presses. Perfect for 6-button users like myself. You can basically do pretty much any command you'd need on a PS3/360 using a 6-button stick with Start and Select. This can be turned on or off.

        - Start+joystick direction (while in-game, whenever you want) to set what your stick controls - left/right analogue or dpad.

        And apparently it can work as an Xbox 1 controller (haven't confirmed this yet)

