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Recommend me some games

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    Recommend me some games

    Hey all.

    My new PC is due here on Monday and I really want to get some games for it.
    I've never been a PC games person, so pretty much any PC game is on the cards here. The only ones I've played before are Sims, Rollercoaster Tycoon, and FFXI. I'm looking to see what you guys would recommend.

    I'm a big fan of RPG's (western and Japanese, but I know Japanese ones are rare on PC) and some of the tycoon games.
    Games I have purchased already are:

    Baldur's Gate 1 & 2
    Deus Ex
    Dungeon Siege
    Guild Wars
    Neverwinter Nights Deluxe Edition
    Rollercoaster Tycoon
    Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Deluxe Edition
    Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Deluxe Edition
    Sim City 3000
    Sim City 4

    I remember when I used to work at GAME there were tons of budget PC games available, now they seem to be really hard to find. It seems Mastertronic are the only ones to release budget games anymore (Sold-Out, PC Gamer, MAD), are there any others as well?

    Also, why is it impossible to find Neverwinter Nights 2 and Dungeon Siege 2 in a budget range? All I seem to find is overpriced new copies or used ones. Any idea especially where I can get these two?

    I'm also not after any more pay to play MMORPG's. I already own games that have been released on the 360 (IE: Mass Effect, Left 4 Dead) so not looking to buy them again unless there's a huge reason as to why.

    Last edited by elaniel; 22-07-2010, 13:32.

    Get Counter-Strike Source.


      Star Wars Supremacy

      An oldie but a goodie in my opinion.


        Baldur's gate: Throne of Bhaal
        Planescape: Torment


          Thanks for the replies. The Baldur's Gate: Throme of Bhaal luckily came with the 4-in-1 pack I ordered for a bargain of £10. Counter Strike is a maybe, I played it ages ago at a gaming cafe I visited and was always rubbish at it.

          It just seems not many new great PC RPG's are on their way, so I think I'll have to delve back deeper into the past 10 years or so.


            Battle for Wesnoth
            A really good SRPG, similar to games like Langrisser, free as well.


              Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
              Planescape: Torment
              Can't recommend this enough. Excellent writing and a host of mods are available to allow you to play it in high-res and in widescreen on modern PCs. Was gutted when my save file was lost after my PC died.

              You should also give Torchlight a go when it pops up in another Steam sale.


                Originally posted by elaniel View Post
                Counter Strike is a maybe, I played it ages ago at a gaming cafe I visited and was always rubbish at it.
                It was about ?6 a short while ago, just wait for another Steam sale.


                  Don't get too many games at once, it only makes it harder to appreciate them.


                    Don't worry, I may buy tons of games at once, but they do sit around until I have time for them. I don't rush games.

                    I mean I still have some 360 games from 2 years ago I haven't got around to.


                      Also, why is it impossible to find Neverwinter Nights 2 and Dungeon Siege 2 in a budget range? All I seem to find is overpriced new copies or used ones. Any idea especially where I can get these two?
                      I can't believe how expensive the likes of Dungeon Siege 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2 are now...I managed to buy both of them for less than a tenner each a couple of years ago.

                      There's a couple of cheap copies of Neverwinter Nights 2 floating about on ebay but the prices for DS2 are insane.

                      I'd recommend Civilization V when it comes out or if on a budget Civ IV can be picked cheaply and will provide hours and hours and hours of entertainment.
                      Last edited by AlonzoUK; 22-07-2010, 19:29.


                        Civ 4
                        Jagged Alliance 2
                        The Settlers 7
                        Company of Heroes
                        Starcraft 1+2
                        Defense Grid (best tower defense game around)
                        Plants Vs Zombies
                        World of Goo
                        Tropico 3

