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XRGB3 + Duo-R in RGB = Flickering image

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    Probably worth testing it on another TV or PC screen before you give up.


      blargh, this is really annoying me, why the hell would it work in Scaling mode and not scanline mode.

      SNES doesnt work now either in that mode (its a PAL system with a NTSC GC Modded Scart though - ordered a proper one now)


        Have you tried to change the NTSC dot and NTSC AFC settings under the Analog Control menu?
        With my unmodified DUO-R I had to change them a bit so that the screen won't flicker and colors would be shown correctly.
        However, in B0 mode the image from the DUO-R is far from perfect, there are still wild pixels around the screen. In B1 mode the image is perfect and it's the only console with this problem, which has always puzzled me.


          Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
          still confused! ah well I suppose its only 1 console and I only wanted it for Dracula X
          have you got a modded xbox?, you can use a PCengine cd emu and the original dracula x disc to play the game


            I got it to work!!

            Ok so it still doesnt work on my Samsung 46" C750 - but is perfect on my Pioneer KRP-500 50".

            Thanks SharkSkin-Man! Thats made my week!



              The Samsung must just be fussy about sync signals then.

              I guess in B1 mode, the sync is just passed through the XRGB with no change, but in B0 mode the XRGB must be doing something to the sync as well as scaling the image which is why that works ok.
              Last edited by SharkSkin-Man; 28-07-2010, 16:19.


                I see. Playing on the Pioneer is fine anyway - its a better 2D TV by a mile! might have to track down another XRGB for the 2 'gaming' areas in the house.

