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Spider Universal RGB cable

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    Spider Universal RGB cable

    Anyone got or used one of these?

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    How do you switch between consoles? Is it true RGB scart? Is there any picture degradation?


    May save me 60-70 quid instead of a Quintro.

    waste of money IMO.

    my mate brought one (against my recommendation) and had terible interference from his PS2 & PS1. It isn't switched, hence the problem.

    Whats wrong with the argos splitter?


      I had one it was utter ****e, sent it back straight away. I actually get embarresed when I think about it. Why did I think it would be any good?


        Originally posted by Yoraths mullet
        I had one it was utter ****e, sent it back straight away. I actually get embarresed when I think about it. Why did I think it would be any good?
        Ditto mate made the box screen so dark I couldn`t see into the distance and low sound on other consoles with the ps2 mains power was on.


          They seem to work fine for me. The picture quality is as good as the special GameCube one that costs ?50. Then again, the TV I was using was a Thornton.

          The only things I've come across are:
          a) those cables should not be used when two or more consoles are on, otherwise you'll find that there's no sound, garbled screen, etc.
          b) the screen slowly turns black when a Super NES is running from it. (This only happened to me once...)


            i got one mainly for running my saturn, psx, super nintendo and dreamcast on.
            they work beautifully, AS LONG as you leave the plugs of the ones you arent using disconnected, otherwise you get all manner of wacky bizzo going on.

            picture is perfect from saturn, psx, super nintendo and dreamcast but there was some subtle ghosting when using the psx one on a ps2, so i wouldnt recommend it for ps2 if you are incredibly anally pedantic about your tv's picture (like me).

            The ps2 is VERY tetchy with scart leads, i have tried 5 different 3rd party ones and eventually found one with a perfect picture. Being in .au there isnt an "official scart lead" available.

            The quality of the lead is as good as any 3rd party single use ones sold through lik sang/goldenshop/lan kwei et al.

            maybe some of you got dodgy ones?

            mines perfect as long as the ones not in use are disconnected from the backs of the machines.

            dont have an xbox to try that plug one out on though



              Get an Argos splitter. Cheap and good.


                man, any cable/switcher that requires you to have the other consoles unplugged (a bad idea as this causes wear on the av port on your console) or unplugged is a waste of time.

                The problem is simply due to the cable not being switched for its different inputs. Certain consoles offer less interference that others, the sony playstations are the worst at this.

                Just get the argos splitter and the official RGB scart cables for each of your consoles, the picture will be so much better.


                  Is anyone using that Quintro thing?

                  I am quite tempted to get one of those - I already have 3 argos splitter boxes and I need another one!


                    Thank you all for the advice. I couldn't see a switch in the images and I wondered how it worked. Now I know it's not switched... what a pile of sh...

                    Anyway, the Quintro is looking favourite for these reasons. It's RGB for starters and I have these consoles to hook up: Xbox, N64, PS1, Dreamcast (possibly x 2) and maybe a Gamecube at some point. So I need four, with the potential for five. The idea of a second DC is so that one can be hooked up to my LCD using VGA permanently and the other one hooked up to the TV for incompatible games.

                    I have seen some end-user reviews and apart from an unresponsive remote, it's highly rated.



                      So is the argos splitter, and its 9.99 for full RGB support (plus you can daisy chain 3 off a single one for 9 inputs), not 80 quid.


                        Originally posted by tankplanker
                        So is the argos splitter, and its 9.99 for full RGB support (plus you can daisy chain 3 off a single one for 9 inputs), not 80 quid.
                        Yeah, but by the time I've added an extra two Ixos scart leads to daisy-chain them together, at around 30 quid each, it's going to be in the the same ballpark.



