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Pal GC with component cable?

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    Pal GC with component cable?

    While I have a wii, thinking of digging the old purple PAL GC out but I don't have the official RGB cable anymore. I am only going to use it for REmake probably, and know its not going to do 480P, but it'll do 60Hz at least.

    Can you even use a component cable on a PAL GC? Its been so long I've forgotten. Only planning on picking up a cheap one on ebay too. Its strange because the quality of the RGB cables between cheapos and the official ones can really vary. Going to be playing it on an LCD too probably *facepalm*.


    You definately can because I used to, assuming your GameCube has a Digital AV output (which all but the last versions do). There is only the official cable though, and it's not exactly the cheapest cable in the world. If you have a Wii, you may as well grab the Wii version of REmake - I think you can use the GameCube controller with it, and it supports 480p.


      Yeah, I have it on GC already, was just going to be a novelty playing on the gc really. I think I'll just pick up a cheap scart for it so I can use it on the CRT instead. Or I'll be lazy and just play the GC version on the wii.

      Poor old gc, in the cupboard you stay


        You could put the GameCube in front of the Wii and just pretend.



          I think I have a gc scart cable kicking around, I stupidly destroyed the official one trying to make it work on a snes without the darkness issue. I'll have to use a crap 3rd party one if I want to use it on the CRT. Or yeah just use the wii.



            Looks easy to me man. :P


              Yer I think I cocked up the casing, can't remember now. Pretty sure I have another unofficial one.


                I need to remod my unofficial one. It works on SNES now, but it auto format widescreen. Ugh.


                  I'm pretty sure that you CAN use the Component cable on the PAL GameCube, but what's the point? Weren't all the PAL games gimped versions that had the Progressive Scan mode disabled?

                  In that case, the quality will be no better than what you'd get with RGB SCART.


                    I did think about that as they are both an analogue signal, however when I went from an official scart to 3rd party component on the wii it was a lot more vibrant even before switching to 480P, but yeah I see your point.

                    Pity some of the 3rd party rgb scart cables for cube are absolute gash.

                    Think I'll just play the pal REmake on wii or something I guess. sigh.


                      I've never really used a PAL Gamecube or the RGB SCART output of one, but in theory the quality should be the same - there might be other factors that make that not the case though...


                        The GameCube's RGB Scart output is perfectly fine, exactly the same as the Component output. How the TV handles RGB Scart is a different matter entirely. I suspect you will be fine, but just using your Wii would make things simpler.


                          Rather than trying to get this bit of nostalgia led gaming to work you'd be better off spending your money importing the US version of GC REmake and getting that to run on the Wii by one method or another. As Lyris says PAL GC games (mostly/all?) don't support 480p . I don't think they can be forced using a boot disc either.

                          Some games (RE: Code Veronica I believe is an example) don't have a 60Hz option either, hidden or not. Perversely some PAL games
                          are 60Hz only. In short: PAL gaming on the GC was always a bit of a mess and it's not difficult to understand why it was particularly unsuccessful in the UK.

                          So getting a GC Component cable, if you can find one, is not likely to matter unless your TV is particularly rubbish doing 480i/576i via SCART. But if you've a Wii I really don't understand why you'd want to use the GC anyway.

                          FYI my used but mint/boxed GC Component cable cost me from eBay just over ?30 to import 2 years ago and that was less than some people were paying for it at the time. But, ridiculously, it was still ?10 more than the excellent condition (but stinking of fags) complete used black PAL GC with AV port I bought from CEX at the same time.

                          A little later I bought an independent brand GC RGB SCART from Amazon France (Amazon UK had stopped stocking them by then) and the quality from that is excellent on my CRTs. I actually prefer it for 50Hz only PAL games when used with my 100Hz Sony CRT.

                          NB. If you use Component with the GC you'll still need the Composite lead or a (RGB) SCART cable with AV block/L/Rcables for audio out. The Component cable only has the three, Y Pr Pb, video signal leads..


                            Yeah the most difference I've seen with the GC's RGB is due to various qualities of scart cable. The official obviously being the best. Maybe I'll try get another cheap just so I can muck around with the GC on the CRT in the other room, but I think I might be lazy this time and just play REmake/Monkey Ball on the Wii/Component/LCD, it doesn't look that bad really.


                            Honestly not too bothered about using 480P with the game, I just want to play it really.


                              REmake looks pretty good on my LCD through RGB actually

                              In fact most GC games do it's the PS2 that looks utter gash on mine, even through component

