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Xbox 1Ghz/256k 128mb ram relevance?

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    It's a BIOS modded 360 much like the original one was except it is much harder to do. Worth buying one ready done TBH.


      Thanks for clearing that up smouty, thing is, is there an emulation scene on 360 to compare to the old xbox? There are still updates being made to certain Xbox emus I believe.


        Worth buying one ready done TBH.
        Agreed, far more hassle than it's worth to do one yourself :-) (looks at burnt hands and wrinkles added)

        There is indeed Shinobi7000, Google is your friend, take a nose and see what's about. There are still updates to some old XB1 emu's such as CoinOps, FinalBurn etc. but when these run better on the new 360's emu's even in their Alpha stages of development, it's not hard to figure out which to buy :-), even though the 360 Emu scene started in the latter part of last year.
        3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


          Thanks for the info, I thought the old xbox was the best for emulation up till now. Hmm will have to track down one of these modded machines. Wonder how I'll do that.

          Also, too bad that the 360s break down so much, I can picture getting another one for emu purposes and it breaking down in the near future.
          Last edited by monel; 14-08-2010, 15:10.


            With a certain dash you can adjust fan speed on the modded consoles, and they have temperature gauges for all the CPU's and case ;-)
            3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129

