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Voltage/Amplitude - PlayStation 3

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    Voltage/Amplitude - PlayStation 3

    I apologise in advance as I'm sure there was a suitable thread for this elsewhere but it seems to have done a runner.

    I currently own a UK PS3 (Launch 60 GB) and will also own a US PS3 (2008 40 GB) shortly which I'll be using purely for US blu-rays/DVDs.

    I'm aware that all PS3s house a 110v-240v PSU as standard but what I'm wanting to do instead of having both PS3s set up with two sets of cables all the time is to use the UK one as standard and just hot swap the US model when needed without having to mess around with the cables.

    Am I simply able to just unplug the UK model then connect the US model using the same power lead?

    My main concern is the fuse as I believe the US plug uses a 3 Amp fuse while the UK uses a 5 Amp fuse. I'm thinking that either amplitude would be fine because of the voltage that's being used? The next standard fuse is 13 Amp which I know to avoid as if something goes wrong I want the fuse to be burning out long before then.

    Should I be using either a 3 Amp or 5 Amp fuse or am I correct in thinking that I don't really need to be worrying about them as long as I keep to one of those two?

    Does anybody here do what I'm wanting to do and hot swap their consoles?


    Well if the PSUs inside are the same and they draw the same power then there shouldn't be any problem with using the UK one for everything. It's probably just down to some electrical regulation that the US one has a 3 amp fuse


      Amp isn't short for amplitude, it's short for ampere. Also, you should refer to it as current when not talking about units</nitpicking>


        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
        Well if the PSUs inside are the same and they draw the same power then there shouldn't be any problem with using the UK one for everything. It's probably just down to some electrical regulation that the US one has a 3 amp fuse
        Thanks, I'd imagine it would be fine to be honest I really don't know anything about this sort of stuff as you can see from the below quote.
        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
        Amp isn't short for amplitude, it's short for ampere. Also, you should refer to it as current when not talking about units</nitpicking>
        It's really not nitpicking, wrong is wrong.


          5amp fuses are fine for import machines. I remember the massive furore over whether PS3's really did have 100v-240v PSU's as standard in 2006. As they were supplied with 2-pin cables, all of us early adopters were recommended to use 5amp fuses in our UK kettle leads. I was a bit worried the first time I powered up
          Kept you waiting, huh?


            Thanks, really couldn't imagine the fuse causing any problems but like you I was a touch worried and just wanted to make 100% sure it would be OK.

