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Light Gun Shooters on LCD/Plasma

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    Light Gun Shooters on LCD/Plasma

    I found myself quite fancying some Time Crisis 2 and whilst I could just play it on my CRT I fancy playing it on a big screen...

    is there any 3rd party gun kits that work on PS2 that will allow me to play on a LCD/Plasma?


    i dont think so but would be interested if anyone has some info


      The only one I have read about is the LCD TopGun:-

      There also an LCD TopGun 2, although I dont know what the improvements/differences are.


        yeah cheers guys, I brought an LCD top gun 2 from fleabay, will let you know what its like when it arrives


          If it's as good as the first one, it should be good enough to enjoy the games. I seem to remember it having issues on which usb port it was plugged into or something like that.


            update: I received my Top Gun 2 and am pretty impressed with it. Its a pain to calibrate is it doesnt quite add up whether its worked or not!! but once it was calibrated its been great really enjoyed playing Time Crisis 2 today.


              coolo. Have you figured out what's different between TG1 and 2?


                Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                coolo. Have you figured out what's different between TG1 and 2?
                After this thread I had a quick look into this and found the manufacturers website 'EMS Production Limited':-

                They have a TopGun 2 Q&A section:-

                Which says:-
                Originally posted by EMS TopGun Q&A
                Q2) Compare with EMS TopGun, what are the new added functions of #0718 EMS TopGun II ?
                A) #0718 EMS TopGun II supports windows Vista™, and it has a new debug mode which could help user to find out and get rid of any possible infrared interruptions. Please see manual for details.
                They also sell an 'RF TopGun' that is wireless, but it doesnt support the original Xbox, or have recoil and laser pointer functions.

                EMS TopGun page

                EMS TopGun 2 page

                RF TopGun page

                They also sell 'Ultra Bright LED' sensor bars for large screens/projectors, although according to the Q&A the sensor bars are different between the original TopGun and the TopGun 2.
                Last edited by Link83; 26-08-2010, 16:06.


                  Windows support huh? Could be used for retro stuff via emulators then, presumably?


                    Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
                    Windows support huh? Could be used for retro stuff via emulators then, presumably?
                    I believe so, the product page says:-
                    "Compatible with MAME™and more than 100 Flash games.
                    See the game list here!!":-
                    Last edited by Link83; 26-08-2010, 16:05.


                      well this thing is begging to annoy me, its suddenly become laggy and inaccurate I brought the other sensor bars that are supposed to support big screens but its made no difference - anyone have any idea's what the best way to set this up is?



                        Have you tried recalibrating? Also mine was quite distance sensitive. If I wasn't standing far enough back, it would be bobbins.


                          Are there any other sources of infrared light in the room? (Wii sensor bar, bright sunlight, candles, fluorescent tubes, etc) Or can you test out the TopGun's 'debug mode' on a PC to show what sources of interference there might be?
                          Last edited by Link83; 04-09-2010, 11:44.

