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360 acting weird, wont remember date.

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    360 acting weird, wont remember date.

    Seem to have a problem, my 360 it keeps setting the date to 2005, if i change it then it's fine. If it turn the power off & on it holds the date but if i turn the power off over night then bam it will just set it back to 2005 again.

    Causes havoc when saving games as it makes them appear all out of order. Is there any way to fix it? Weird how it changes but dosent tell me as theres no initialization screen or anything popping up.

    Is it a new S model? I've heard a few things about them. When my mate turns his on, it also turns his PS3 upstairs on.


      Nah it's one of the regular versions.


        Do you unplug your console at the mains?
        Think if you do this for a specific ammount of time it resets the clock.


          As Family Fry mentions, if its unplugged it will forget the time.

          Everytime you connect to xbox live however it will update it automatically.


            Yeah, my 360 is always back to 12:00 when I switch it on (as I turn it off at the mains at night) but gets the date back when my profile signs in.
            Lie with passion and be forever damned...

