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Correctly encoding AVIs for car player. HELP!

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    Correctly encoding AVIs for car player. HELP!

    I need a little bit of help encoding divx/xvid files to play on my son's in-car dvd player (parents will appreciate how important this is!). I'm totally at my wit's end with it...

    I have several files, from several sources, some work, some don't. I want to re-encode the non-working ones so that they do work. All of them, as far as I'm aware, are AVI of some kind... presumably DIVX or XVID?

    I've used MediaInfo to find out what software, and the codec versions, were used on the working ones and tried to get them all together. I ended up using virtualdub and virtualdubmod, as well as nandub.

    I've re-encoded the non-working ones to be the same codec as the working ones, even resized them to have the same resolution, but they still don't play on the player. I also tried taking a working one, and re-encoding that again with codecs I had previously tried, and that still works! So there must be something else, other than the resolution or codec?

    The DVD player is a Next-Base Click & Go 7. The manufactorers release no information on file formats at all <sigh>

    And yes, it does play DVDs, and yes, that is probably what I will end up having to use But I'd rather take one SD card on holiday than a pile of DVDs...

    I'm totally at a loss as to what to try next. Any help much appreciated, thanks!

    Check out all2avi, it's a neat little basic encoder that has its own codecs with it (so you don't need to mess around with them). It will convert any type of file you can throw at it with minimal fuss. It'll even repair AVI files with errors (my experience with DVD mpeg4 players is they throw a hissy fit at broken frames).

    I'd guess to make the AVI as compatible as possible, you'd want it Xvid at around 1000kbps with MP3 audio. If the player skips or the sound gets out of sync, lower the bit rate.


      all2avi... excellent, thanks, I will definitely give that a go tonight. Must have tried dozens of programs, none of which helped! Sounds promising though, so cheers for that

      Bloody useless that Next Base don't release any format info <sigh>


        My guess is that it's struggling with AC3 or aac audio. Could even be struggling with VBR MP3 ('tis a dirty hack).


          It only supports: Video: MPEG-1, MPEG-2 (DVD) edit and whole bunch of other stuff - my source was rubbish ignore me.
          Last edited by charlesr; 07-09-2010, 10:26.


            Oops. Get handbrake off filehippo - you need version 0.9.3 (not.9.4).
            That will make stuff for you that will work. Various presets, or choose your own.


              Handbrake is just for MP4 isnt it?

              I have fired off all2avi (via logmein) but won't know if it's worked until I get home to try


                I have several Avi's that all meet the criteria they posted on their website, but yet don't play


                  Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                  Handbrake is just for MP4 isnt it?
                  0.9.4 is just for mp4. That's why I said get 0.9.3, which does everything.


                    Ahhh, nice. Cheers. Well, if this all2avi doesn't do the trick (I really hope it does as I am going bonkers with all this stuff) then I'll give handbrake a go


                      abigsmurf!!! How awesome are you! all2avi worked a treat, thank you SO much!


                        Actually. I think I am going to throw this damn dvd player out the window. Stopped working now For no reason!


                          OK I sussed it out... this piece of crap DVD player goes mental if there's more than 4gb of data on the SD card... Good job I bought 8gb SD cards then eh? <sigh>

