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Advice re: formatting drive please

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    Advice re: formatting drive please

    Novice requires help again please

    Had major problems with an xp installation.

    Resorted to a reinstall, and have ended up with a dual boot installation.

    New installation is fully upgraded and 100% operational.

    Now want to remove original installation.

    Hard drive shows Local Disc C, where I'm sure the original installation was, and backup E.

    Assume original is simply on C, and new one on E....but not 100%???

    Google suggests I should have the two hard drive installations, and simply need to format the old one.

    If it is as simple as formatting C, do I then need to purchase some re-partitioning software to increase the size of E?

    C capacity is 195 GB, and E is only 102 GB.

    Any advice gratefully received
    Last edited by markpsych; 08-09-2010, 21:38.

    Okay....seems that I can't format anyway due to the C drive being a system partition. Would have to delete the partition.

    Question I now have a dual boot with two versions of XP, is it safe to delete the original version/system partition?

    Just worried that it may contain something that my new installation doesn't have, e.g., bios info, that will stuff everything up....

    The new version on Drive E is currently the primary boot if that makes any difference.
    Last edited by markpsych; 09-09-2010, 00:01.

