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Virtual Memory Too Low?

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    Virtual Memory Too Low?

    I did a search and couldn't find any similar topics:

    Everytime I turn my PC on a little message pops up saying my Virtual Memory is too low, I don't have a dammed clue what this means, how can I sort out this problem?

    Some info:
    - Running Windows XP (Copied Version)
    - 20gig Hard Drive (13gig free space)
    - 550Mhz Processer, Pentium III
    - 256 RAM

    The problem seems to have started since I installed BTOpenworld Broadband, this have any relevance?


    Go into your system settings (control panel, or right-click my computer->properties or press Win+Pause/Break - whatever you like man) and click the "Advanced" tab. See "Performance"? Click settings, then advanced.

    Virtual memory is at the bottom of the dialog; it is probably on custom size so change that to the recommended amount of click "System Managed Size" and give Ok a whack. It might reboot, but you should be OK...


      Virtual Memory is an area on the hard disk that Windows uses as if it were RAM. You can change the amount of Virtual Memory that is used by Windows but I would guess that unless you changed it yourself it is probably set at a sensible amount.

      After your machine has booted have a look at the task manager and see if you can see what is using up all of your RAM resources.


        Thanks for the swift replies, it was on a custom setting (don't know why I'd never fiddled with it) and I put it onto Automatic, it said it will need to reboot before changes take effect, and I can't be arsed to reboot yet (hehe). I'll reboot soon and see if it makes a difference


          "If you dont know what it does, don't tweak it"

          Good advice that is.

          Anyways, set it to system managed and you should be fine.

          If you do decide to tweak at some point ALWAYS set the min and max to the same value (if you dont do this there is no point in manual tweaking at all). Make sure its at least 2x your physical ram to start with too.

