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Internet explorer help.

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    Internet explorer help.

    Just been in to head office and had my work laptop changed over and all my data transferred. Connecting to the internet now (Even outside of our network) it's not showing any image links to photobucket etc. What do I need to change to stop the computer blocking them?

    Are you sure there's not something else on there that's stripping the content? Make sure you have Flash installed (Use this link to get it by itself) as well.


      Nope, i've updated the browser and the flash player and still no joy. I'm just wondering if our IT monkeys have blocked external links to sites or something. Gah, I wish I knew more about computers.
      Last edited by Colin; 16-09-2010, 12:06.


        You said you get the same problem outside of the office network (So at home for example)? If that's the case there must be something on there that's stripping that **** out.

        Do you have access to Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC)? If so take a look at all running processes, see if there's anything running that might be doing it. Might also be an icon in the taskbar.


          Yeah, i'm out on one of our sites using mobile broadband at the moment, and i'm not logged in to the secure network. There's nothing out of the ordinary in the task manager. I'm assuming it's something in the internet settings or mcafee. Waiting for the IT bod to ring me back. My old thinkpad was on it's last legs, but at least all the web stuff worked!

          EDIT: I can't even access the photobucket homepage?
          Last edited by Colin; 16-09-2010, 13:26.


            I'm willing to bet its the mobile dongle. Which network is it with, and were you using it fine previously???


              It's not that Allen, when I was in the office I couldn't see images either. And the dongle worked fine on my old work laptop, and is fine on my personal one. Spoke to the IT guy and he says the settings won't have changed, but I think he's talking balls.

              It's showing absolutely no image links from photobucket, and won't connect to the site either. I've just had the dongle in my own laptop and it's all good.
              Last edited by Colin; 16-09-2010, 15:16.



                Are you using IE6? If so then click on Tools, Internet Options, Connections, hit LAN settings at the bottom, is the checkbox under Proxy server ticked?


                  IE8 mate.


                    Ah I see, try what I just suggested, the procedure should be the same.


                      The box isn't checked. Are you enjoying being my tech support?


                        Heh, not really! :P There wasnt anything ticked at all in that LAN settings box was there?


                          bypass proxy server for local addresses is ticked


                            Right thats not it.

                            Your IT department have probably blocked off certain sites to your laptop, probably a good idea not to try and bypass it anyway unless you fancy a meeting with HR in the morning!

                            How about trying to do some work instead of trying to look at boobies on photobucket??


                              Balls to that, i'm already home for the day. Ah well, just looks like I won't be seeing anything in the "looky what I just bought retro" thread during working hours anymore. Maybe just as well.

