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upgrade for an art and design student

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    Nice ****ing attitude.


      "So can we blame Adobe's **** programming for PC images not printing the correct colours?"
      nope windows lack of a decent colour sync system

      " Work coming back from the printers? Clients? Hello? Are you a bit mental? Do you know what a student is? And what a budget is? And how to change Photoshop colour settings under Windows?"
      HELLO HELLO? do you know what a student is, its learning how a real world enviroment will function so you need to know how to get your colour settings right or your work becomes utterly worthless, and like i said the problem is not adobe. If you studied graphic design you'd understand, also I know what a budget is and I also know(after 11 years using pcs and amigas before then) if you skimp on your computer parts and go cheap then your only causing yourself hassle, you get what you pay for and the local pc guy did with his computer breaking 2 days before a huge project deadline so in the end the price of a decent pc is about the same price as a mac anyway.

      I mean are any of you professional graphic designs and have any clue what I'm on about because if your not and don't understand why the graphic design world is mac centric then theres no point arguing with me about it.
      So... Tell me about your father...


        I thought that the graphic design field was mac based aswell, but since then ive found out its a myth and most companies incorporate both.

        I couldnt splash out the prices they ask for a half decent mac so i got a real nice pc for under half the price. This'll serve me very well till i'm actually out there making enough to own a mac.

        Back onto the topic: Ive found that you need a whole load of hd space for all your graphics work. Was using 10 gig before but it just wasnt enough and burning onto disc as storage isnt practical. Get a big hd, 40 and up should be fine.


          Originally posted by df0notfound
          I mean are any of you professional graphic designs and have any clue what I'm on about because if your not and don't understand why the graphic design world is mac centric then theres no point arguing with me about it.


            "I thought that the graphic design field was mac based aswell, but since then ive found out its a myth and most companies incorporate both. "
            ones that do lots of web work tend to use both(would be a bit silly otherwise), ones that focus more on print work are usually all mac.

            yup thats right insult me(well try to) for giving decent advice, enjoy your first messed up print job.


              You're assuming all graphic work goes to professional printers. Faux pas.



                didnt expect to get so many replies so fast.

                Thanks for all the input from everyone, didnt really realise ram is the most important thing when coming to design work.

                In this case i think i'll just try to get him to get more ram and a new hard disk.

                thanks for all the input, much appreciated!!!!


                  Surely if you used recognised colour systems like Pantone and Standard file systems like .TIFF you'd have no problems with prints? Jeez, so much arguing. From what I know all Photoshop has to offer to Macs now is code optimization.

                  Anyway, as people have previously said, lots of ram helps if you're going the PC route. A CD burner would be pretty darn handy as well, if you can't afford an extra HD. of course, there's an ongoing cost of consumables, but buying in bulk leads to massive savings, so there's no real problem. it's also handy if you need to do research, slideshows and whatnot, and need to port it to Uni/College.

