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Can't play Kingpin on my XP PC - anyone help?? :(

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    Can't play Kingpin on my XP PC - anyone help?? :(

    Basically, the game boots up the the Kingpin title screen (with the heavy rock/rap blaring out as the game logo 'falls out'), the screen goes black and then I get a message saying "Kingpin.exe has encountered a problem and stopped working."

    I've tried setting the compatibility mode to Windows 98/ME and Windows 95 and have also tried ticking the "Run in 256 colors" and "Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution" but the game still refuses to go beyond the animated title screen.

    Graphics card is a Radeon HD5400 Series "Sapphire", haven't had any issues with other, older games, can anyone suggest anything?

    Have you put the patches on? It always worked ok for me on xp.

    "Welcome to the Salty Dog! But we don't like no salty nut muthafukkers in here!"


      Got some patch entitled kingpin_v121_patch, sorry to be thick here but I've only just (really) started using my PC for gaming, and assuming that *is* the patch that makes it run, how do I apply it???


        Is it a zip file? I think you just run it and point to where Kingpin is installed.

        "Here's yer fukkin money!"


          ^Bah, just did that, installed the patch but now not even getting the title screen, just the error message!

          (I'm sure there'll be a way, mind...)


            Hmm I'll see if I can find mine.


              Tried another ATI-related gfx card patch but all it did on clicking the Kingpin icon was to mush my desktop into a 16-bit 640x480 res mess.


                ah there is some memories!!! bagman ftw

                no idea what your issue is though


                  Main culprits imo for any software issue with this message:

                  Reinstall the game
                  Install latest Direct X binaries
                  Up your paging file
                  Update your drivers
                  make sure XP is SP3

                  This sounds like a memory issue though. How much RAM are you running?

                  Don't run it in Win compatibility mode. XP was the standard OS when this was released and it was intensive at the time if i remember right

                  Have you tried it in 16bit colour mode?
                  Last edited by NemesiS; 02-11-2010, 08:01.


                    I encountered the exact same problem when trying to run Max Payne. What worked for me was installing the latest patch then downloading a ?no cd.exe /crack.


                      ^Oddly enough, I haven't had any probs with both Max Paynes, they run fine, in fact this is the only PC game I've had a problem with.

                      @ NemesiS, my PC has 2gb of RAM and can play stuff like Far Cry and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. no problem. I checked the General > Properties in My Computer, and it says it's Service Pack 2 (EDIT: have just updated to SP3).

                      I have tried it both in normal mode and the various compatibility modes, plus with 16-bit colour and the lower res boxes ticked, it always crashes, and when I try and apply the ATI "atioglxx" fix in the Kingpin folder, it just blobs my Desktop into super-lo res mode, hangs and doesn't start, and I have to manually re-up the resolution so I can make sense of my desktop.

                      Worst thing is, I'm not gonna be able to fiddle with my PC over the next few days due to work so I won't get much chance for PC stuff, let alone sorting out how to run Kingpin - if anyone still wants to offer tips, please do, because I'll be back on here in a few days time probably pestering you all again, and I greatly appreciate your collective input!
                      Last edited by JazzFunk; 02-11-2010, 15:47.


                        Older game 1999. Worked great until my mb went and had to get replaced. Using same anti-virus program I had before. Allowed the kingpin.exe and mmclient.exe (like a punkbuster which was always picked up as malware) At wits end...:(

                        you tried any of this?

