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Wii, odd pixelated glitches

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    Wii, odd pixelated glitches

    I have been experiencing some issues with my Wii. I am experiencing strange, almost like a pixelated mess over certain colours. For example on NSMB the light blue sky has a nasty pixelated mess. I think my gpu has overheated and gone to pot. Is this fixable, will it go away? I doubt it will

    Look forward to reading any replies.

    By any chance is your Wii a launch console? It sounds like the GPU is indeed overheating. If you still have a valid warranty Nintendo can get it repaired. If not, the other option is to by a new console.


      Cheers for the reply. It is indeed a launch console, I dont really know much about the warranties. Is it only valid within a year period? If that is the case, I will have to get a new console =[ Is this a common problem for all launch Wiis and have the more recent consoles, had any changes to prevent this?


        Just give Nintendo a ring and check with them. They should replace it since its been a known issue for some time now. The newer Wiis have had quite a few internal changes since then and the issue seems to be non-existant for these. All the best!

