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confused... Xbox stepdowns and wattage...

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    confused... Xbox stepdowns and wattage...

    Right... Got an American XBox... looking for a suitable stepdown for it. at the back of the machine its says:

    100v - 127v ~ 2.1A

    Now if you convert that, (VOLT x AMP = WATTS) the lowest wattage is 210W and highest is 267W. Now apparently 150W stepdown is compatible with the American XBox, but I have a feeling its suppose to a 300W/300VA stepdown, just like a normal PC requires at least 300W power supply to run.

    I have a 200VA stepdown, which works out as 200W.

    I need some quick advice here, or else I'll end up blowing up or not powering up the XBox.

    Cheers in advance....

    Provided it's not the wrong voltage you won't blow your XBox, might melt the transformer though. Personally I'd go for a 300W stepdown, 200W maybe too close to call.

    Yeah 300W unless you want to melt a hole through your floor with a red hot transformer.


      Originally posted by steve_dynamic
      100v - 127v ~ 2.1A
      That's the type of power supply required. Look somewhere else. It should say 100VA max or 100W max elsewhere. Therefore use 150W minimum (it will work with 101W stepdown, but the higher the better for heat). Your 200W will be fine.


        Originally posted by charlesr
        Originally posted by steve_dynamic
        100v - 127v ~ 2.1A
        That's the type of power supply required. Look somewhere else. It should say 100VA max or 100W max elsewhere. Therefore use 150W minimum (it will work with 101W stepdown, but the higher the better for heat). Your 200W will be fine.
        Nah m8, it's 2.1A, so he's done the right maths in his original post. (i.e. it needs a smidgen over 200W). I'm sure it will run off of a 200W supply, but things could get a bit hot. Personally I like my stepdowns to run cool, I've melted cases before now.

        I would say try it on the 200W supply and keep an eye on the temperature of the stepdown, if that little fella starts to get too hot for your nerves, then you need a bigger wattage. It will depend on the design of the transformer largely, whether it is able to dissipate the heat effectively. holes or slots in the top of the casing help, you should never cover these, because that stops it loosing heat by convection, which is the primary method of heat exchange used.


          The XBOX uses a modified PC PSU... and although probably doesn't draw anywhere near 200Watts you should use a 250W+ step down just incase... Still get a 1.2KW Step down then run everything...


            I've ran two xboxs of my 300 wat stepdown for many an hour and the stepdown hasn't even got warm.
            I'm sure that the xbox draws around 100w so I guess a 200w stepdown would be fine, you even see companies selling 150w stepdowns speically for xbox.


              Originally posted by wod
              I've got that exact stepdown, I have a extension lead going from it with my xbox dc and ps2 connected to it, its left on 24/7 and hasn't let me down once in the two years that I've owned it.


                well i've tried it and the stepdown was okay.. it wasn't even hot...


                  This step down is fanstatic I have used a XBOX for 6 hours and it doesn't even get warm. I used a free one which cost about a tennor and it get very very hot in 30 minutes and it was awful stressful.

