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Win 7 BSOD: irql_less_than_or_not_equal

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    Win 7 BSOD: irql_less_than_or_not_equal

    Maybe someone on the forum knows the solution to this perplexing error.

    If I turn my PC on, Windows will more often than not, fail to boot up. I get a BSOD with an irql_less_than_or_not_equal error.

    If I don't get the BSOD and actually make it past bootup, Windows will likely fall over after the login screen and Explorer.exe will crash.

    But, if I then cut the power and start again, the machine works absolutely fine - it's working now.

    So the problem is only if I start up "Cold". A Google search suggests bad RAM as the culprit, but I've had the thing Prime 95'ing overnight without a single error, so I don't think that's the problem. I've also wiped my SSD (which has Windows on it) and reinstalled, but the problems persist. Anyone got any ideas?

    First, the system:
    Intel Core i7 950
    Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R (rev. 2.0) motherboard - with latest firmware
    6gb RAM (DDR3)
    Last edited by Lyris; 19-01-2011, 18:48.

    I had a PC that BSOD'd because the ram was running slightly faster than it liked to (by default) it would crash at 400mhz but not if I set it to 333mhz in the bios. Strangely it would run perfect on XP64.

    You tried it with just 2 matching ram sticks? Is all the ram the same kind and timing?


      Is 'usually' is a driver issue, but if it's tempramental try reseating everything on the motherboard. I've seen some pretty mental stuff with windows servers working one minute and not the next when a nic card was not seated properly.

      got any of the other information from the blue screen?



        lots of info there.


          Thanks guys. Next time it happens I'll snap a picture.
          Yes, the RAM is all of the same type. 3 sticks of 2gb, all identical.
          I think I've read that Microsoft link before but I'll go through it again in case.


            I had a pc which was giving similar errors, tried everything, after a short while it wouldn't even let me access the bios settings. It was a nightmare.


              Technically the error could be anything. I had the same problem when i installed windows 7, later i figured out i had to disable EIST feature in the bios. Other people i know had issues with sound drivers or graphic drivers that cause windows to show up the same error, although probably with different error code.
              If you can note down the error code, you might be able to figure out the problem.


                I repaired a PC with this error code a few weeks ago and it turned out to be corrupt drivers.


                  My Win 7 laptop gave me a BSoD with this a day after I got it, put it down to trying to update an internal HP hardware driver via their interface, rolled the system back and ignored it. Not had an issue ever since.
                  Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                    i had this on a brand new machine i got.....i think the machine was faulty had to send back

                    but try running memtest on a usb stick see if there is any memory errors

                    also if its one memory stick try putting in another ddr slot


                      See this all the time in my line of work, as Cornflakes said it could be anything really. If you were to go on percentage, either HDD or Memory.

                      Run tests if you want but I don`t always find them conclusive, so best way is process of elimination. Run with one memory stick in, if still doing it try the other. If the problem persists, have you got a spare hdd? Try and create an image and use it on another drive or preferably a fresh install.

                      If it`s still the same, well it could be a setting in your bios which is causing it or a slight fault on the mobo.
                      Last edited by Hodge; 21-01-2011, 15:52.


                        Windows often reports that it wants to check the SSD (OCZ Vertex 2) for consistency. I have tons of extra disks so hopefully it should be easy to see if my hunch of it being the SSD is correct. Will report back.


                          Ooo I forgot to say I'm on an advanced windows kernel debugging course today and tomorrow.. Chap (senior Microsoft engineer) is talking about stop a messages and drivers or memory corruption are the most common cause.. If you can Give more info I'll ask him..


                            K0pp0, thanks a ton, I'll try and make it do again and post a picture!


                              OK, this is not the exact same error. It varies. But maybe it can lead to a clue...

                              I also have a 317mb MEMORY.DMP file in my Windows folder which I think chronicles all the BSODs. Can I send it to anyone or do anything with it?

