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Graphics Card Upgrade?

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    Originally posted by eastyy View Post
    what geforce model ?

    there is not a huge difference between the phenom and the phenom 2 checked with the benchmarks and was about 5 -15 fps difference at a 1680 depends on the version though
    It just says Geforce 8 series onboard on the motherboard box.

    I think you've emulated the PS2, what kind of specs are needed? Any advice?


      PS2 emulation is 90% CPU, 10% GPU.

      The better the CPU, the better games run. Once you get past a certain (very low) level of GPU, it makes next to no difference.

      I believe at the moment, even the high end mainstream CPUs can't get 60fps on everything but I don't know how effective the frameskip is on PS2 emu or how effective speedhacks are.


        I think my Phenom clock speed is 2.2ghz, when I tried emulating a certain PS2 game, which is the only game I really want to emulate, it ran but the frame rate was terrible. Unplayable. Damn.


          Tried looking around to see if there are any speedhacks for the game?


            Some games can be made playable through speed hacks. Did you check the pcsx2 forum?

            ah, too late...


              No, I didn't know about that possibility, will do. Think it might help?

              Also, sorry for all the questions but would ram be an issue?


                It shouldn't be, you do need to realise that PS2 emulation is very much in its infancy. Ps1 emulation is still **** today.

                Installed Rivatuner and checked my core temperature. My GPU is 91' on idle! Thank god i ordered that new cooler.


                  The thing that ultimately makes PS2 emulation such a nightmare is the geometry engine. It has a huge amount of grunt power which translates into a lot of CPU cycles.

                  I'm intrigued as to how Sony squeezed PS2 emulation out of the PS3 (even if their software emulator wasn't as good as the hardware solution).


                    The so called software solution still required the GS chip, only the EE was emulated. I remember someone mention that the ps3 cannot handle true software ps2 emulation due to memory bandwidth required to emulate the GS, or something.

