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Beatles: RockBand Dongle?

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    Beatles: RockBand Dongle?

    I imagine this'll be a really daft question but it needs to be asked...

    I fancied a quick go on The Beatles: Rock Band [PS3] as I've not used it for ages, I bought it with the Gretsch Duo Jet Guitar but I don't seem to be able to find the USB dongle that's required.

    Does anybody know how to get a replacement?

    I've also recently bought the DJ Hero/DJ Hero 2 box set which has it's own dongle but I can't get that to register the guitar.

    If I have to buy a new dongle do I have to buy a specific Beatles: Rock Band version or will any one from any version of Rock Band do?

    I know this isn't the sales thread but if anybody knows definitely that an older Rock Band version will work and maybe they have one they don't use, would you perhaps mind selling it?

    Of course the dongle may turn up at some point so I may not need one but it's a little useless at the moment without it and I can't imagine that I'm the first person to ask this question, at least I hope I'm not.

    Any advice/help would really be appreciated. and a bit of

    OK, I found it inside the box of a razor that I was given as a present!

    Better hope I don't lose it as after looking online there doesn't seem a way to replace them unless people are willing to pay inflated prices on eBay for old dongles.

