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ECC vs normal RAM.

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    ECC vs normal RAM.


    I've recently picked up one of those HP microservers and it comes with 1GB ECC pre-installed. I am planning on using FreeNAS 8.0 and it recommends between 4-6GB RAM for a ZFS mirror which I'd like to use. I'm also debating just using FreeNAS 7.0 and two UFS disks with software RAID or whatever but that's for another topic.

    Anyway, I have two choices, I can pull the 1GB out and plop two 4GB non ECC sticks in for about ?65 quid or so, or I can just put a 4GB ECC in for about ?50, and have it as 5GB total.

    I guess I can always upgrade it with another 4GB ECC in future as it'd be a shame to just remove the 1GB straight away as I have no use for it at all. Plus I'd like to 'do it proper' and if it's going to be a decent server box I might as well go the whole hog.

    Any opinions? I know some would say just put 8GB normal in and forget about it, but I think 5GB is enough really considering it says between 4-6GB and that's probably for more intensive use than I'll be requiring from ZFS.

    A lot of the guys who bought these boxes just plonked a normal 4GB in with the 1GB and it just disabled ECC. But my OCD would get to me if I did such a thing.

    What would you do?

    I basically know the differences between normal ram and ECC, and maybe it is overkill for the home but at least I could sleep softly at night.

    Dont bother with ECC RAM, unless you are in a production environment its not worth the extra cash. Put 2 x 4GB non-ECC in and you will be more than fine.

    As it goes Ive been running two of these Microservers, both with a single stick of 4GB non-ECC and have had no problems whatsoever.


      You use a ZFS mirror or whatever too right? What OS?

      I might just buy a 4GB ECC just to add to the 1GB and leave it at 5GB then if you're trucking along with 4GB only. After all it's only maybe ?15 more for it. I have problems.

      edit: bought 4GB ecc for ?50 from crucial *facepalm*

      I don't know why I make these threads, maybe just for a differing opinion. oh well.
      Last edited by kernow; 24-05-2011, 21:19.


        Can anyone give me a real world example of non-ECC RAM going wrong? Would it just result in a lock-up, or what?


          Apparently normal RAM has about 3-5 'soft' errors a year where it'd get a single bit wrong or something, if written to disk might be an issue.

          From what I've read anyway - yeah pretty much a non issue for home use. But it was ?50 vs ?70 and 5GB is probably enough. Well I could have got 4GB normal for about 30 quid but then I'd be mixing the types in there and disabling ECC. hoe noes!

