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help needed for installing windows XP

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    help needed for installing windows XP

    hey all
    Im planning on installing Windows XP on my Dads pc later this evening. Its currently got Windows 98, and has lots of photos and work documents on it.
    So, my question is this. If I go to install windows XP, will it solely make the old OS obsolete, and leave all the software on the pc? Or will it start mucking about with the files on the HD, and delete the software thats currently on it?
    Thanks for any help

    I'd recommend installing from scratch and reinstalling your applications, it will give you less grief in the long run.

    safest would be to buy a new hdisk, install winxp, then copy docs over from the win98 hdisk.


      Yes you can keep all your documents when installing XP. When it asks, select Upgrade instead of clean install.

      Last time I used that method I had no problems afterwards, but it can easily cause you problems in the long term, so if you can its better to backup all your stuff, do a format and a fresh install.


        If you have a few CDs spare you could just copy all the docs and images to those, and then format and install WinXP (like the others said).

        It'll save you the cost of a new HDD now, although having 2HDDs can be very helpful.


          From experience always install, don't upgrade. If theres too much to backup, buy another hdd to install XP.


            I agree pretty much with what has been said. I always prefer installing from scratch. It just gives you that 'clean' feeling

            If in any doubt though, just upgrade. You can re-format in the future if need-be anyway.


              Just install to a new folder and leave the old OS where it is. You'll have to reinstall the applications but your data will all be where you left it.

              You can even set it up to dual boot - once XP is installed, just open the file c:\boot.ini with notepad and add a new line at the bottom that says

              c:\="Windows 98"

              Don't edit any of the other lines, the format is weird and easy to screw up.

              Then when the PC starts you get to choose which you want


                I wouldn't install an OS on top of an OS. Nothing but hassle every time I have done it. You could always partition the hard drive and stick all the files on the second partition. Then format the first partition and install XP to that. Infact I did it at Uni last week its very easy.


                  Add me to the format club, again from experience "upgrading" just results in a mess.

