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Chrome a bit pants on forums?

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    Chrome a bit pants on forums?

    For yonks I've used chrome, but just recently it's been giving me grief. My netbook is dual boot XP and Windows 7, both running Chrome and both having the same trouble. Chrome works fine on most sites I visit, it's just painful when it comes to using forums such as this and shmups. Reports as timing out, and a refresh sometimes fixes it, sometimes doesn't.

    Before I go messing around trying to find out why it's doing it, is it just me, or do others have the same trouble?

    (using IE!)

    Recently installed Chrome, having been a long-time FireFox user. I can't say I've noticed any problems with the few forums, I've visited; here, rllmuk, overclockers uk and macrumor. Occasionally I've noticed that both Chrome or FF will pause on this particular form, from time-to-time, when clicking through threads.


      Nah not had such problems. You should not pass go or collect ?200 for raising issues against chrome, i mean it has angry birds, lady gaga and everything.


        I think Google Chrome used to suffer from fairly significant memory leaks, and may still do so. Which may cause performance hiccups every now and then.

        Also, there are known problems with Chrome starting to slow down in terms of performance over a long period of use, but it seems a complete cache/cookie clear out fixes those issues.


          Cheers Malc, i'll have a tidy up. I just realised it behaves fine if I don't have multiple tabs open on the same forum - I usually open a bunch of threads, have PM's open etc, if I keep one forum to one tab it's all happy.

          I actually work in IT, but cannot stand fixing problems with my own equipment at home lol

