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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(DEMO)

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    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(DEMO)

    I have just played a demo of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Its the same one thats due out on all the consoles from Konami. The first level is very tedious but the boss battles after that are very old skool and fun. I am mildly disappointed at the lack of design flair but its still quite nice, the graphics and sound being appealing enough to satisfy the fans.

    Heres the link:

    What do you think?

    Going to try this as soon as I get home


      just had a quick go on it. it's quite good but the sound is so annoying when you are attacking someone with the same move he just keeps repeating the same thing over and over againg.
      there are loads of badies you have to fight but there all quite easy to defeat.
      also i don't like using a keyboard with this game, i think it will be better on the consoles unless you've got a joypad .


        The voice samples are repetitive, as is the gameplay. With my joypad the game plays just like it should, very smooth.

        I doubt many people will claim its a great game but its not a total disaster.



          Not what I was hoping for

          Wasn't expecting it to be a revolution but it just feels and plays mediocre IMO

          Looks nice mind you

          Shame about the crappy camera


            I like it. It's not going to go down as being fondly rememberedas the brilliant arcade original, but I can still feel this game will be a lot of fun. Not as in depth as the genre needs to be to become mass market again but has some good ideas.

            The implementation of the ability to juggle enemies is a good place to start but is exremely limited in its scope here (juggle attack, basic combo, repeat) but I don't see why this game couldn't have developed this further.

            The lack of the ability to throw enemies is criminal. In a game like this, you need to be able to use enemies as weapons andcascade them into each other, or swing them into walls and such (in fact the original Turtles arcade game allowed this) yet it's missing here. Also, scenic interaction
            is a must. Being able to use fire hydrants made me smile but that seemed to be it. What about swinging round lampposts, triangle hopping of walls etc (maybe even running up walls). This game seems to be screaming out for such features.

            It's difficult to know what to want from a game like this though. Part of me wants it to use 3 buttons (or less) in order to retain that simplicity that made the older games, but another says, more buttons equals more combos. For example I could easily of done without the shuriken button and have another proper attack on there, and maybe use 5 buttons, 4 attacks, and a jump.

            Yet despite what the game doens't do, I still find myself going back to the demo over and over. Perhaps it's in the hope that some new level of depth will spring out at me, but probably because, although it's simple, the game is fun. Not revolutionary but adequate and provides an experience that hasn't been provided in a long time. Should be great in 2 player mode as well, but I still say the lack of 4 player story mode is a big opportunity missed, and could have took the scores higher than they have been.

            I have 4 Wavebirds taht would have been perfect for this game


              I agree with what your saying C' but you are being a bit lenient on Konami. The game has so many essentail features missing and lacks even the mildest dose of flair. Whoever designed it obviously has little regard for the old skool scrollers that this game should of been a evolution of, or even a revolution.

              Its does for some strange reason have a compulsive playability grip which should ensure sales though.

