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Network drops effecting PC performance

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    Network drops effecting PC performance

    My current rig has always done this though at the minute it's getting whey annoying.

    I connect to the network via a PCI wireless card, when the connection strains or is about the drop out I get a horrid gnnnnnnnnrrr noise.

    The thing is you'd think this would happen only say, online gaming, but when the network drops it effects offline play, games pause for a second, music stutters as does video.

    This is remedied only by manually disconnecting from the network so no drop outs occur.

    Anyone got any ideas other than maybe replacing the card or using powerline adaptors?


    Sounds like a faulty card to me. They should never make a noise. If it's possible to connect directly into the router via ethernet, you should though.


      Yeah, it's a software noise, you know, the sound of something going badly wrong, it doesn't come from the actual card though it seems to blatantly be the problem, i think you;re right a a change is due.


        Could be IRQ conflict, try manually setting them in the BIOS.

        If not, faulty card.


          Check for updated drivers also. I remember having a similar issue with XP on a computer that was designed for 98. The audio would often stutter on Media Player, and the computer would then freeze up for a few seconds.
          I think it was the 56k PCI software MODEM was the cause, but I got rid of the setup as it was starting to get a bit long in the tooth.

