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360 wireless controllers always disconnecting?

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    360 wireless controllers always disconnecting?

    I've had this problem for years so for a long time I've been using a wired pad instead. I would rather use the wireless pads again, though, and googling reveals loads of people who've had this problem.

    Some suggest that it's a problem with the battery connectors / battery , others claim it's to do with interference from other wireless devices (I think).

    Has anyone come across this problem, and if so, how did you solve it?

    I read that using the rechargeable battery packs is less troublesome than batteries with with regards to these disconnects. My last official battery pack died after a weeks use, so I wonder if the Duracell ones are any good, or is the official one any better now?

    Mine always used to disconnect if using rechargeable batteries. It's been fine with P+C kits. That being said I think the batteries are beginning to die in there, but it's had a good five or so years of service.


      I'm not using rechargeables, but which packs are you using, the official ones? Are the Duracell kits any good? I'm sure somebody posted on here once that he took the official pack apart and it was just bog standard batteries in there.


        Official ones, yes. It is just batteries in there, so I don't know why there's a difference.


          It's the battery cover/holder for me. I noticed this and after investigating realised moving the cover around the latch caused the pad to disconnect.


            My controller keeps disconnecting too. I thought it was my batteries at first, until I bought and tried a new rechargeable battery kit. I should really find my receipt, as it`s still under warranty.


              My guess it that the problem lies with the connectors for battery pack and not the batteries themselves. I've been using rechargeables exclusively and they work perfectly. I would avoid the official battery kits as they are overpriced crap imo.

