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A GFX card always

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    The one on OCUK is a 6950 and not a 6850 which is the one listed on Amazon, they are trying to be crafty with the photos. Which is why its more expensive on OCUK as it is listed correctly.

    However i picked up a nice powercolor 6950 for ?200 about 6 months ago even unlocked the additional shaders on it.

    They have a new one on there which looks a bit better than mine. Only ?26 more.

    Browse our huge range of AMD graphics cards - including ones from the cutting-edge Radeon RX 7000 Series - at the best prices you'll find online. Flexible finance offers and next-day delivery.

    Do prefer the heatsink on this one over the sapphire. Do hate those tiny fans.
    Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 21-09-2011, 20:00.


      They've renamed that amazon page now (the description still calls it a 6950).

      I predict a lot of pissed off people who've bought that.


        Originally posted by eastyy View Post
        have to say though i replaced a 8800gts with my 460 while it was better didnt really see a big a leap as i would have if you have a 8800 gtx in sli mode the difference would probably be quite small
        Did you only upgrade the GPU?
        Because I bought a 1gb 460 to replace my 1gb 8800gt, and there was little difference until I upgraded my cpu and ram.
        Now my 460 is getting what it needs from a better cpu, and pretty much eats my old 8800gt alive.


          cpu was a 6600 quad core ...didnt notice a huge difference from the 8800 got the 460 in a phenom II quad core 3.2ghz even with a better cpu feels like incremental steps forward rather then a massive leap

          though i have to mention i never really play games at huge resolutions stuck with 1024 x768 for years never felt the need to go any higher

          with battlefield 3 there may be a chance they release a benchmark tester to see if the pc can run it
          Last edited by eastyy; 21-09-2011, 23:11.


            Originally posted by eastyy View Post
            though i have to mention i never really play games at huge resolutions stuck with 1024 x768 for years never felt the need to go any higher
            Aha, that will be exactly why.
            The 460 is a monster of a card and totally wasted on such a low resolution.


              Agreed. Should be playing games at 1920x1080 minimum to get the most out of that card.


                Low resolutions mean the graphics cards sit twiddling its thumbs whilst the CPU does what it needs to do.


                  only game my machine really struggled with was the witcher 2


                    Only thing my 6870 has struggled on is Witcher 2 with uber sampling on. When I struggled I mean the game was totally unplayable lol!
                    Switch that off though and it does about 40fps I reckon. I end up turning a couple of things from ultra to high to achieve the magic 60fps though. AvP runs at > 60fps with everything on max including DX11 Tessellation (which ATI cards are crap at compared to nVidia). Recommended specs for BF3 are a 6950 though so I'll have to dial down some stuff to hit 60fps on that I'm sure.


                      Bought a GTX260 second hand off another forum a couple of months back for ?45 when my 8800GTS broke, and honestly I don't need anything better at the moment personally. Runs everything well enough for me at 1680x1050.

