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    When 8GB of RAM costs ?30 now I hardly think that's an issue. And I mean, if you have RAM, why not use it?


      Why don't you ask Shakey why he doesn't upgrade his RAM just to use Firefox?

      Given that all the browsers are so close to each other in browser speed anyway on an adequate machine, it's hardly worth arguing about. Why spend ?30 if there is a different browser that meets you needs and performs better?

      I regularly use all three, I still run into sites that don't work properly on the browser I happen to be using at the time, so I just change to another. Interface is pretty much the same, so that doesn't come into it either.

      I imagine if like you, you are reliant on various extensions and plugins, then switching to another browser may cause you distress, but as shakey has already said, Chrome has a very comprehensive selection now too.


        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
        When I press the new tab button (or ctrl T actually), it now has a bunch of thumbnails for regularly visited sites. Do they work for anyone else? If I click on them and wait for it to load completely, they still don't update.
        I didn't like the thumbnails, so I disabled it... about:config, change entry browser.newtab.url to about:blank.
        Lie with passion and be forever damned...


          I just consider the RAM argument a non issue.


            I quite frequently have to install a browser onto a machine running windows 98 or onto a Vista machine that only has 1GB.
            I can't change the memory in that, especially if it doesn't belong to me!

            also the Mac OSX versions of the browers vary significantly too and the difference becomes even larger. I don't know how easily/cheapily you can upgrade a Mac.
            Last edited by EvilBoris; 18-06-2012, 15:16.


              My 2GHz Macbook won't take more than 4GB RAM which is what it has at the moment(2x2GB). I'm often using Virtualbox for work-related stuff so RAM gets eaten up quite quickly.

              I gave up on FF for a while and went with Chrome because it was quite slow but I came back to it around 5-6 months ago, can't remember why now(I think it was for the full-screen mode). It's not too bad these days, though. On PCs I'll use Chrome but I use IE9 at work without any problems(the machine is a Core i5 3GHz/4GB so maybe that's why?).

              Hilariously, my IE is using 600MB RAM at the moment with eleven tabs open(four are this forum, two Eurogamer, the rest are random stuff)

