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How do I convert a TOC to a CUE on a Windows machine?

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    How do I convert a TOC to a CUE on a Windows machine?

    Spent ages Googling and found nothing. Just a few sites with links to progs for Linux and Macs. If I wanted to use anything other my beloved Windows I'd plug my keyboard into a toaster and be done with it.

    So, I have a TOC and BIN. I need a CUE and BIN in order for Nero to work.

    Getting other burning progs isn't an option - I have to have this TOC in CUE format.

    Many thanks.

    Open the TOC file in Notepad and save it as a CUE file. They should both just be text documents. Or just rename it as a CUE.

    And ImgBurn is the program you should be using.


      I tried that before making the topic, but Nero says there's an error on line 1.

      I tried editing it to match the CUE files I have for other BINs, but then there was an error on Line 2. By the time Nero stopped saying there were errors, I had re-written the entire TOC/CUE and basically made it all up to match the CUE template I'd been using. Which can't be correct.

      For one thing, the original TOC specified that track 1 was like 191mb (191###### bytes), but after rewriting it as a CUE, which doesn't specify much besides MODE1 and INDEX start for the audio track, Nero showed that - based on the new CUE - track 1 was only 300kb.

      I clearly screwed up somewhere and a correctly formatted CUE will have more info. As I said, renaming the TOC produced numerous errors on every single line.
      Last edited by Sketcz; 23-10-2011, 08:06.


        Can't you just extract the contents of the bin and burn them in another way?


          Seeing as you Googled, I imagine you already came across this page:

          Granted, it's a guide on how to make a TOC file but it mentions a program called cdrdao which will probably work for you.

          You've said getting other burning progs isn't an option - is there any particular reason why not?

          As for the 300kb thing, how did you convert 191mb into a time for the CUE? I haven't dabbled in CUE files since my Dreamcast dummying days but I thought CUE files only work with timings. I could be wrong, though, but I wonder if that's what got Nero confused.

          That page has a sample TOC file and it's quite detailed compared to CUEs. What about IsoBuster?

          If I were in your situation, I'd figure out a way to burn the TOC and BIN file to a CD first if converting to CUE proved fruitless. I'd then rip the CD back to the computer in BIN/CUE format.

          @ Sane: The TOC file tells the machine where in the BIN file the tracks are separated. Without it, I'm not sure what you would get from the BIN alone. Most likely just the data track if it's data+music(like most Saturn games) or, if it's all music tracks, just one long track.


            I eventually downloaded CDRDAO which came with a prog called toc2cue.exe, which I had use DOS prompts to run, but eventually it did the conversion. Thanks to all who posted advice.

