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Boktai - damn you, sunlight

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    Didn't get a chance to try it again yesterday - by the time I got out the office, it was bloody dark outside. Bastard winter.

    'Tis a bad time to be a vampire hunter with a day job...


      Originally posted by PeteJ
      & have been coping fine with the sunshine levels in Devon.

      So the sun we've been having here Sunday\Monday is plenty enough for this game then?
      Most definately. And you can always 'store' the sunlight for those cloudy days. However, make sure you don't strike any funny poses whilst playing the game. I've been discovered in some very unusual positions, just so I can grab some sunlight.


        Originally posted by martTM
        Didn't get a chance to try it again yesterday - by the time I got out the office, it was bloody dark outside. Bastard winter.

        'Tis a bad time to be a vampire hunter with a day job...
        No windows at your magazine publishing empire ? Or are you located in a basement ?


          Originally posted by The Glider
          No windows at your magazine publishing empire ? Or are you located in a basement ?
          The only window anywhere near me is about 30ft away and even then, it's permanently got a blind across it. We live in darkness, we do... but then, as gamers, you kind of expect that.

          Hang on. Aversion to sunlight, pale complexion and preys on innocent women... does that mean I should be hunting myself?


            Harumph. Lots of Boktai interest in this thread but still no comments in my review feedback, damn and blast you all to hell you idle buggers.


              Originally posted by martTM
              Originally posted by The Glider
              No windows at your magazine publishing empire ? Or are you located in a basement ?
              The only window anywhere near me is about 30ft away and even then, it's permanently got a blind across it. We live in darkness, we do... but then, as gamers, you kind of expect that.
              Well, you should talk to that nice man called Simon & ask him if Paragon could rent a penthouse suite somewhere in Bournemouth for a couple of weeks, so you can finish the game & 'entertain'....


                I believe that the light sensor works by detecting UV light which is why it needs sun light to work, UV light is stronger the closer you are to the equator and the higher you are.
                UV light is reduced though by cloud cover and in cloudy places light britain can be 50% less that in equivelant elevation / latitudes. can you change the set up on the game so that it thinks your further north?
                Could get yourself a UV lamp as well but thats cheating i suppose!

