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Viewtiful Joe - help me

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    Viewtiful Joe - help me

    I've tried everything I can think of. I've even looked on Gamefaqs and it hasn't helped me. It tells me what to do but it doesn't work

    Warning: possible spoilers for episode 4: A Viewtiful Escape

    I'm up to the second part of the first section, where I have to stop the torpedoes. The guide says I have to run to the right, then the left, then the right and I should land at the bottom. But it doesn't work? I can't outrun the torpedoes, and get to the platform below them.

    It's probably obvious, but what am I doing wrong?


    I got confused by this too!

    That I didn't see what to do immediately shows how rusty my 2D platforming is. Just stand on the thin platform by the torpedos, and press down + A to drop right through it.
    If it was a SNES game, I would've done that instinctively. D'oh.

