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Laptop BSODing when plugging into HDMI TV

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    Laptop BSODing when plugging into HDMI TV

    Got a new laptop recently with GT540M 1GB GPU. Installed Skyrim and all set to go, plug it into the big TV to play and I get BSOD. Tried different HDMI cables and different TVs. One TV lets me play but only when duplicating the screen which causes slowdown I think as the game runs slower than it should be. The other TV doesnt even let me have that option, it just crashes instantly. You can see it detect the TV in the monitor options window but immediately flickers off then crashes. The BSOD does appear on that second screen though.

    I have the latest drivers for GPU so have no idea what is causing this.

    Anyone able to give me some hints?

    Okay, I've delved a little deeper and installed a GPU Monitor. It recognises the GPU and what model it is, gives a temp reading but the fan, gpu load and memory on it all read at 0 as if it's not even being used.

    How does that even happen and how to I enable it if it says in device manager already that is in enabled and working fine.

    This is RUINING Skyrim day for me and I start work in 3 hours.


      When I go to the start options for Skyrim in Steam, it doesn't detect the card as a option for graphics adapters, only has the Intel HD option for the onboard graphics.

      BUT when I use 3D modelling software like Autodesk Maya, the GPU load appears to move, but no GPU RAM is consumed?



        Lol. Another update. I thinkkk I have solved the issue of GPU not working. It seems the 500M series are terrible and lot of people have this problem. You have to manually tell Steam to use the GPU to play games and change the power settings as well in NVIDIA Control Centre thingy. This has been utter torture.

        Now to see if it still crashes over HDMI.

