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Virus help !

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    Virus help !

    Somehow a prog called Mscache has worked its way onto my desktop

    Norton AV picked it up and stopped it, but for some reason XP won't delete it saying its in use by another user.

    I've run Norton again and it hasn't picked anything else up

    Any idea how I can get rid of this bloody thing ?


    How about booting to a command prompt and deleting the file from c:\docs n settings\your user\desktop?

    Worth a go, only take you a minute or so.


      Nope that didn't work

      It can't get rid of it that way either

      Any other ideas ? I don't want this crap stuck on my desktop forever


        tried stopping the process or service associated with it?


          Thats just the thing, there doesn't seem to be any programme that's associated with it

          I've used task manager etc and there's no mention of it there

          I've trawled some other forums and it seems as if its a Trojan / Spyware variant that should be simple enough to shift with most spyware / antivirus programmes.....


 one seems to have come across this problem before

          I've gone through the registry ( yes I've gotten that desperate ) and deleted all references to it there, and then tried getting rid of it again. The little bugger still won't shift and XP still thinks something or someone is still using it

          I'm beggining to think a reformat is the only way of ending this ft:


            you looked in the running services list? Anything running there should show up in task manager too though.


              Nope, nothing under running services either


                You could boot into safe mode then delete it from your profile under documents and settings


                  By what i gather it`s ad ware so virus scaners aren`t great at eliminating the problem. Get ad-aware 6.0 of the lavasoftusa website (freeware) and that will get rid of it no problem


                    Originally posted by Hodge
                    By what i gather it`s ad ware so virus scaners aren`t great at eliminating the problem. Get ad-aware 6.0 of the lavasoftusa website (freeware) and that will get rid of it no problem
                    Aye, that's what I was gonna suggest. Should be just the ticket.


                      Originally posted by Ginger Tosser
                      You could boot into safe mode then delete it from your profile under documents and settings
                      Tried that too, but that didn't work

                      Originally posted by Hodge
                      By what i gather it`s ad ware so virus scaners aren`t great at eliminating the problem. Get ad-aware 6.0 of the lavasoftusa website (freeware) and that will get rid of it no problem
                      Tried this and while it did pick up some spyware that my usual Spyware programme didn't, I still can't delete the Mscache file

                      Just what the hell is this thing ????

                      EDIT :- Have it you little bastard !

                      Finally shifted it. Mscache had latched itself onto some hidden file called Regrun. Once I deleted that I was able to delete the copy from My Documents ( how and why it was using that file I don't know. Its not something I'd installed so I guess it was mascarading as that )

                      Then I had to boot to the command prompt in safe mode and for some reson it shifted it

                      Thanks for all the input guys. Just hope none of you get that thing !!!

