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Do most wii games have standard controller options?

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    Do most wii games have standard controller options?

    I know im missing the point somewhat, however I'd like to play some wii games but in a normal manner,without waving anything about. Do most games have standard control configarations?, or are they all motion controlled?


    Originally posted by SuperDanX View Post
    Do most games have standard control configarations?, or are they all motion controlled?
    Depends on the game, but most are only playable with motion controls. Mario Kart Wii comes to mind as a game which can be played with a classic controller (or even Gamecube pad).


      I would say most don't and it is game dependent for the majority.


        Some can be played the old-fashioned way with the Classic controller, or a GameCube controller though probably not that many in the grand scheme of things. Most AAA titles seem to be reliant on using the Remote & Nunchuk.

        For what it's worth, any controllers that are compatible with a game are always listed on the back of the box. And also clearly stated for downloadable games.


          If it makes sense for the game to have it, then it tends to have it. But when a game uses the pointer control for something useful e.g. Mario Galaxy, then obviously they can't shoehorn it onto a controller.


            Thanks for the info


              I gave up on Mario Galaxy after an hour or so because of the stupid motion controls. It really should of had Gamecube pad support.


                I can list the games from my collection that support other control setups if that's any help.

                Mario Kart Wii
                Super Smash Bros Brawl
                Guilty Gear Core
                Metal Slug Anthology
                Tatsunoko Vs Capcom
                Sonic Colours

