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Internet connection

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    Internet connection

    Looking for help again.

    I've been using my current service provider's net with no problems until today. I changed my modem and now I can't connectto the Internet. I always connect directly to the modem from the computer so no router issue. In the network and sharing page it says no Internet access even though I'm plugged in.

    If you change your modem why can't I just plug in the LAN cable and continue as before? I'm still using the same service.

    Micro filter?
    Did the self-install any software that might have wiped your ISP login details?
    Do you have line sync (which lights are lit up)?


      I'm not quite sure what you're asking me but I didn't install any software and all the lights are green and good. The line was checked by the phone company so it's just a software issue. I just literally switched one modem for another. before the switch my Internet was fine. I just assumed I could plug and go. I guess my computer can't communicate with the new modem so that's why it says local only connection. I just can't remember how I got my computer to communicate with the original modem before.


        I'm no ADSL expert, but surely it's the other way around - the modem cannot communicate with your ISP? They often need to be configured for this.


          What does it say under each light? And are the lights steady or flashing?

          Win 7 or XP?
          If win7 then go to control panel, view network status and tasks, troubleshoot problems. Any messages?


            What ISP and gateway/modem are you using? My wild guess would be that the VCI and VPI are set wrong, or not set at all.


              Supergoal is in Japang so it could be different than sorting out the tinternet for a bod in the uk.

              First thing to check is if the new modem doesn't have the correct username/password for the ISP.


                Right, for some reason it works now. I got home and switched on the computer to find it works fine. Another mystery unexplained. Thanks help though.

