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Virgin 50mb massive speed flutuations!?

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    Virgin 50mb massive speed flutuations!?

    Hi all,

    Had this installed a couple of hours ago. After running a speed test the max d/load speed I'm getting is about 14meg

    When I actually download I get anywhere between 20kbs-2.1meg a second!

    I'm using the supplied wireless N-adapter they gave me, and I have restarted the router checked everything etc. And I cannot understand why I'm not running full speed.

    If it's any use these are my settings:

    Startup Procedure
    Procedure Status Comment
    Acquire Downstream Channel 307000000 Hz Locked
    Connectivity State OK Operational
    Boot State OK Operational
    Configuration File OK
    Security Enabled BPI+

    Downstream Channels
    Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Max Raw Bit Rate Frequency Power SNR Docsis/EuroDocsis locked
    Locked QAM256 114 55616000 Kbits/sec 307000000 Hz 7.0 dBmV 42.7 dB Hybrid
    Locked QAM256 113 55616000 Kbits/sec 299000000 Hz 7.3 dBmV 43.1 dB Hybrid
    Locked QAM256 115 55616000 Kbits/sec 315000000 Hz 6.7 dBmV 42.5 dB Hybrid
    Locked QAM256 116 55616000 Kbits/sec 323000000 Hz 6.5 dBmV 42.2 dB Hybrid
    Unlocked Unknown 0 0 Ksym/sec 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV 0.0 dB Unknown
    Unlocked Unknown 0 0 Ksym/sec 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV 0.0 dB Unknown
    Unlocked Unknown 0 0 Ksym/sec 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV 0.0 dB Unknown
    Unlocked Unknown 0 0 Ksym/sec 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV 0.0 dB Unknown

    Upstream Channels
    Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Max Raw Bit Rate Frequency Power
    Locked ATDMA 6 20480 Kbits/sec 45800000 Hz 42.5 dBmV
    Unlocked Unknown 0 0 Ksym/sec 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV
    Unlocked Unknown 0 0 Ksym/sec 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV
    Unlocked Unknown 0 0 Ksym/sec 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV

    Primary Downstream Service Flow
    SFID 13266
    Max Traffic Rate 53000000 bps
    Max Traffic Burst 10000 bytes
    Mix Traffic Rate 0 bps

    Primary Upstream Service Flow
    SFID 3351
    Max Traffic Rate 5140000 bps
    Max Traffic Burst 8160 bytes
    Mix Traffic Rate 0 bps
    Max Concatenated Burst 8160 bytes
    Scheduling Type Best Effort

    Does this service take a while to 'settle down' or is this strange?!
    3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129

    Yep, I think all services have about a week or two where they optimise the service. During that period it can fluctuate, not sure if this is the reason.


      It's much more stable wired - getting 5.4mbps on Steam, but newsgroup are still an issue - dropping really low.
      3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


        Tbh I think its the nature of the beast, we have 30mb with Virgin and the speeds very wildly! Sometimes its what we pay for, sometimes its abysmal.


          I have 50mb and also use giganews if you change the port in newsleecher to 443 and enable ssl you should be getting a steady 6.2mbs


            I have 50mb and also use giganews if you change the port in newsleecher to 443 and enable ssl you should be getting a steady 6.2mbs
            Yeah I've done this and still no luck weirdly.

            I'm using Grabit with astraweb and use their SLL server and enable SSL and port 443 and still throttles it to around 2mb d/load!?
            3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


              Newsleecher is the way forward could well be grabbit that's effecting it. I have no issue downloading uncapped 24/7 never drops below 6.23mbs. Why not get newsleecher on the trial and I'll tell you how I have mine set up so it's optimised and if it works I'll pm you my licence key?


                Try with a network cable first.

                I find Virgin (20mb here) to be amazing most of the time, but recently I have been having fluctuations that usually aren't there, and I've had to reset the modem a few times.


                  Also I work for Virgin so if you want a cheap deal xl phone xl tv with 2 boxes and xl30mb bb for ?35 let me know and I'll get you signed up to mates rates but it needs to be a upgrade so you must be either a new customer or have 1 or 2 products. So if you have tel tv and bb already can't help you


                    Originally posted by pattybean View Post
                    Also I work for Virgin so if you want a cheap deal xl phone xl tv with 2 boxes and xl30mb bb for ?35 let me know and I'll get you signed up to mates rates but it needs to be a upgrade so you must be either a new customer or have 1 or 2 products. So if you have tel tv and bb already can't help you
                    Interesting, is there much mileage to be had from phoning and talking about cancelling our service? Because we're paying around that per month for one SD set top box, L TV, L phone and M broadband as far as I'm aware. Just been too apathetic to phone up and haggle really.


                      Newsleecher is the way forward could well be grabbit that's effecting it. I have no issue downloading uncapped 24/7 never drops below 6.23mbs. Why not get newsleecher on the trial and I'll tell you how I have mine set up so it's optimised and if it works I'll pm you my licence key?
                      Hi mate,
                      went for Unzbin and signed up to a month with usenetnow and all seems good

                      It also helped that I switched from d/loading onto an external disc straight into my internal. I was trying to avoid that as don't want to clog up my internal too much, but now at least I get around 5.2-5.7
                      3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                        Originally posted by pattybean View Post
                        xl phone xl tv with 2 boxes and xl30mb bb for ?35
                        Jesus thats like half what we pay a month for that with 1 box, plus Virgin owe me ?20 credit (they promised ?70, only gave ?50)....


                          I have that package (plus free TiVo install) for ?39.90 so it's well worth putting a moan call into retentions.

