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Accessing options in Sonic Generations PC.

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    Accessing options in Sonic Generations PC.

    OK so I dont normally game on PC but the low price point of Sonic Generations tempted me.

    Now I have a couple of questions. When I first installed it I got an options screen for setting graphics effects and controller options. However I was keen to get into the game so didnt set them all properly. Now I want to get back in and change them, but how do I get back to this. The options from within the game menu are not the same.

    Secondly is there anyway to minimise the screen so I can "Throw" it onto my second screen that I have hooked up?

    Possibly two of the simplest questions asked but the instruction manual doesnt help and its driving me mad.....

    go to the folder you installed sonic and there is a configuration tool


      Slightly OT, but wondered where you got the low price Sonic from?
      3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


        Thanks Eastyy. Easy when you know where it is..... I got it from Zavvi for a shade over ?12.00 Which seemed ok. Except now the PS3 and 360 versions are dropping. Still at least I get to choose the pad of choice.


          3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129

