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Reigning in a selfish housemate - Internet Connection/Bandwidth query

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    Reigning in a selfish housemate - Internet Connection/Bandwidth query

    As per the title, I currently live with four other housemates who share an internet connection, there is one in particular who has gone rogue and spends all day downloading films/tv shows and anything else he can get his grubby mitts on.
    Despite a number of awkward conversations he continues to monopolise the bandwidth to such an extent that it is completely unusable. This is particularly frustrating when trying to stream content on iplayer/4OD only for it to timeout/insufficient bandwidth to appear.

    He continues to claim that he has ceased doing this, but I take a different opinion and would therefore like to shift the balance to something more equitable.

    We share a connection wirelessly through a BT Homehub which I presume acts as a wireless router.

    Is there any way that I could throttle the bandwidth for connections or otherwise regulate this?

    Any assistance would be most appreciated!

    can you log into the router and alter settings on it ? my router allows to limit connections per user


      You could assign QoS rules for each mac address. If he has agreed to fair use, then he should have no problem with you setting this up.


        Tell him kindly to stop doing it.

        If that fails, roshambo him on the issue:

        ...or take it to Thunderdome.
        Last edited by Guts; 10-12-2011, 18:46.


          Could always send his pertinent details to the MPAA ...


            Upgrade to infinity and tell him he is paying for it


              Kick him in the gonads? Piss on his computer?


                So which of the above did you go for in the end?


                  Just block the MAC addresses of his equipment from the router. Or kick him out!


                    I had the same thing in a house I was in, if he wasn't bit torrenting 24/7 causing havoc with everything else, he had used the day bandwidth and our connection was throttled.

                    I ended up crippling the connection for him and making bit torrent work really really slow so at the very least the bandwidth wasn't fecked.
                    Depends on what settings the homehub has really


                      Why the hell do people still torrent nowadays there are much easier and safer ways of getting stuff (of you have to have it anyways) always wondered for the sake of ?5 or ?6 PayPal for encryption if you are that bothered


                        If it were me, I'd do speed tests and record the results. Then I'd block his IP or MAC address(my router only blocks IP not MAC, but I set reserved IPs for specific MAC addresses and then it's fine) before running more speed tests. If there's a big difference between the two, I'd say that's pretty good evidence. Based on that, I'd confront him about it.

                        I find it's mostly idiots who use torrents and 99% of them don't even know how torrenting works so they leave the default setting of maximum upload which chokes the download speed anyway. If the speed problems are caused by him torrenting, just tell him to limit his upload speed in the client(maximum of around 30-50% of your connections's actual upload speed) and you'll be surprised at how fast the internet becomes.


                          Or kick him in the face and bum him in the gob


                            Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
                            Or kick him in the face and bum him in the gob
                            Always the best solution to any issue.

